Lyrics for Dango Daikazoku (TV Size) from Clannad by Chata (Ending #1)

dango dango dango dango dango daikazoku

yancha na yaki dango yasashii an dango
minna minna awasete hyakunin kazoku

aka chan dango wa itsumo shiawase no naka de
toshiyori dango wa me o hosometeru

nakayoshi dango te o tsunagi ooki na marui wa ni naru yo
machi o tsukuri dango hoshi no ue minna de waraiau yo
usagi mo sora de te o futte miteru dekkai o tsuki sama
ureshii koto kanashii koto mo zenbu marumete

だんご だんご だんご だんご だんご 大家族

やんちゃな焼きだんご やさしいあんだんご
みんなみんなあわせて 100人家族


なかよしだんご 手をつなぎ 大きなまるい輪になるよ
町をつくり だんご星の上 みんなで笑いあうよ
うさぎもそらで手をふってみてる でっかいおつきさま
うれしいこと 悲しいことも 全部まるめて

Dango, dango, dango, dango, a big dango family

The naughty fried dango, the kind red bean dango
Everyone, everyone comes together and it's a family of 100s

The baby dango is always within happiness
The aged dango has its eyes narrowed

The chummy dango hold their hands together and make a big, round ring
They build a town on the dango planet and everyone laughs together
The rabbit is trying to wave in the sky; the huge moon
Is rounding up everything, happy things and sad things, too

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