Lyrics for Picaresque from Code Geass by Mikio Sakai (Episode 17 Insert)

Sou kimi ni kikaseyou   boku ga egaku sekai
Sono kokoro ni hikari terasu tame

Me ni utsuru mono ga   subete ja nai koto o
Kimi naraba yoku wakaru hazu sa

Itami o dakishimeyou   kanashimi to mukiaou
Mirai wa hora   te no hira de kagayaku

Togatta shisen o himete   jidai o kirisakou
Kimi ni mieru mirai ga   kuro kara shiro e kawaru you ni   Wow Wow

Tetsujoumou no retsu   hachi no su no you na machi
Mukiryoku ni kainarasareta hitotachi

Iratsuki wa kakusenai   herahera to waraenai
Netsu o hanachi   tobidasu toki wa ima

Kibou no yoake wa chikai   kanjite iru kai
Kimi no namida ga boku no shoudou o umidasu tane ni naru   Wow Wow

Hakanai kara koso no inochi   setsuna ni kagayake
Jibun ni usotsuku koto nado erabenai   erabu wake nai

Togatta shisen o himete   jidai o kirisakou
Kimi ni mieru mirai ga   kuro kara shiro e kawaru you ni   Wow Wow
そう君に聞かせよう 僕が描く世界

目に映るものが 全てじゃないことを

痛みを抱きしめよう 悲しみと向き合おう
未来はほら 手のひらで輝く

尖った視線を秘めて 時代を切り裂こう
君に見える未来が 黒から白へ変わるように Wow Wow

鉄条網の列 蜂の巣のような街

苛つきは隠せない ヘラヘラと笑えない
熱を放ち 飛び出す瞬間は今…

希望の夜明けは近い 感じているかい?
君の淚が僕の衝動を生み出す種になる Wow Wow

儚いからこその命 刹那に輝け
自分に嘘つくことなど選べない 選ぶわけない

尖った視線を秘めて 時代を切り裂こう
君に見える未来が 黒から白へ変わるように Wow Wow

Yes, I’ll tell you about the world that I’ll draw
To have light illuminate your heart

Things that reflect in your eyes aren’t everything
When it comes to you, you should know that very well

I’ll embrace pain, I’ll face sorrow
The future, look, shines in my palms

I’ll hide my sharp gaze and slash apart the era
So that the future visible to you will change from black to white, Wow Wow

The rows of barbed wires; the beehive-like city
The languidly tamed people

I can’t hide that I’m irritated, I can’t laugh frivolously
The moment to release my temper and rush out is now…

The daybreak of hope is close; can you feel it?
Your tears become the seeds that create my impulses, Wow Wow

The very life that is because it’s transient shines in an instant
I can’t choose to lie to myself or such; there’s no point in choosing

I’ll hide my sharp gaze and slash apart the era
So that the future visible to you will change from black to white, Wow Wow

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