Lyrics for Be Strong from Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi by Kana Yazumi (Opening #1)

nanika shira koji tsukete wa
iyana koto sakete ikiteta
naiyou nante nai yo ne

ano toki moshimo guuzen
deatte nakereba koko de
ikiru imi sae shirazu ni

dono michi no tatsujin mo ichinichi janari tatte nai
sono risouzou mune ni daki
mudaguchi kikazu wakinemo furazu

demo naki de shisou de nagedashitaku natte
yowai jibun ni makesou naraba
sonna jibun torikago ni ire tani e tsuki otose

soushite kitto dare yori shinjite kureteru
yatsura no tame shinnen no tame
tsuyoku nareru tsuranukya ii sa

chotto zutsutemo risou ni
yume ni chikazuketeru kara
me ni mienai to fuan de

nagai jinsei no naka de tsumazuki tachidomatte mo ii
sono kotoba mune ni daki
toki ni wa sora wo ookiku miage

moshi wakaranakunatte dou ni mo dekinakya
toki ni mi wo makeseraba ii yo
sonna fuu ni atama kakaete
namida nagasanaide

soshite nayami nuite akiramekaketa koro
atarashii michi patto hiraketari
tsuyoku nareru yuuki ga aru sa

daisuki datte akirametakunai tte
boroboro ni natte mo itte tane
sonna tsuyoi suteki na koto wo
zutto hanasanaide

demo naki de shisou de nagedashitaku natte
yowai jibun ni makesou naraba
sonna jibun torikago ni ire tani e tsuki otose

soushite kitto dare yori shinjite kureteru
yatsura no tame shinnen no tame
tsuyoku nareru tsuranukya ii sa
何かしらこじつけては 嫌なこと避けて生きてた

あの時 もしも偶然 出会ってなければここで

どの道の達人も 1日じゃ成り立ってない
その理想像 胸に抱き
ムダロきかず 脇目も振らず。。。

でも泣き出しそう 投げ出したくなって
そんな自分 鳥カゴに入れ

そしてきっと誰より 信じてくれてる
強くなれる。 貫きゃイイさ。

チュットずつでも理想に 夢に近づけてるかな

永い人生の中で つまずき、 立ち止まってもいい
その言葉 胸に抱き
ときには空を 大きく見上げ

もし分からなくなって どうにもできなきゃ
そんな風に 頭かかえて

そうして悩み抜いて 諦めかけたころ
新しい道 パッと開けたり
強くなれる。 勇気があるさ。

大好きだって 諦めたくないって
そんな強い 素敵な心

でも泣き出しそう 投げ出したくなって
そんな自分 鳥カゴに入れ

そしてきっと誰より 信じてくれてる
強くなれる。 貫きゃイイさ。

I always found an excuse
So I didn’t have to deal with what I didn’t like
It’s quite meaningless, isn’t it

If we hadn’t had a chance encounter that time
I would have lived without know my reason for being here

No matter what kind of master they are
They didn’t become masters just in one day
Embrace the ideal image in the heart
Without saying meaningless things
Without look aside

But If feel like bursting into tears, giving it up
And losing to my own weakness
I put myself in a bird cage
And push it into the valley
For those who believed in me
More than anyone else and for my beliefs
I can be strong
I just have to stick to it

Am I getting to close to
My ideals and dreams even if just a little
I get worried since I can’t see

During your long life,
Stumbing and even coming to a stop is okay
I held those words in my heart
From Time to time,
Take a grand look up at the sky

If you become at a lose and can’t do anything about it
Just let it go for now
Don’t bury your head in your hands
And cry like that!
And just as you began to give up after suffering a lot
Bam! A new path may open up
I can be strong
I have courage

“ I love you! I don’t want to give up”
You told me so even when you fell into pieces
Thats wonderful, strong heart of yours
Don’t ever let it go

But If feel like bursting into tears, giving it up
And losing to my own weakness
I put myself in a bird cage
And push it into the valley
For those who believed in me more than anyone else and for my beliefs
I can be strong
I just have to stick to it
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