Lyrics for Meikyuu no Prisoner from Super Robot Wars Original Generation OVA by JAM Project (Opening #1)

nani ka ni hikiyoserare samayou PURIZUNAA

shizukesa o kirisaite hitosuji no senkou ga hashiru
tsugerareta RIMITTO

unmei ga kousaku suru MEBIUSU no RINGU
deguchi nado dare hitori shiranai

SHINE THE LIGHT ON ME yami no mukou
ai to iu na no kagayaki o shinjite TIME IS JUST NOW

MESAIA subete no hito no negai dakishime
bokura wa hashiru asu he
moshimo kanau nara ima tsutaetai dare ka ni
I'LL BE THERE (I'LL BE THERE) koko ni iru yo

ikutsu mo no dekigoto ga karamiai nigeba o ushinau
shikumareta BURAKKUHOORU

unmei ga suikomareta meikyuu no RINKU
ima wa mada hikari sae mienai

ONLY WITH YOUR LOVE mune no oku ni
ai to iu na no shinjitsu o dakishime OVER THE TRUTH

MESAIA shippuu no you ni toki o kakenuke
bokura wa mezasu mirai(asu) o
soshite aisuru hito no todoketai kibou o
I'LL BE THERE (I'LL BE THERE) soko ni iku yo

nani ka ni hikiyoserare samayou PURIZUNAA

MESAIA subete no hito no negai dakishime
bokura wa hashiru asu he
moshimo kanau nara ima tsutaetai dare ka ni
I'LL BE THERE (I'LL BE THERE) koko ni iru yo
何かに 引き寄せられ 彷徨う プリズナー

静けさを 切り裂いて 一筋の閃光が走る
告げられた リミット

運命が交錯する メビウスのリング
出口など 誰一人知らない

Shine the light on me 闇の向こう
愛という名の 輝きを信じて Time is just now

メサイア すべての人類(ひと)の 願い抱きしめ
僕らは 走る 未来(あす)へ
もしも かなうなら今 伝えたい 誰かに
I'll be there (I'll be there) ここにいるよ

いくつもの 出来事が 絡み合い 逃げ場を失う
仕組まれた ブラックホール

今はまだ 光さえ 見えない

Only with your love 胸の奥に
愛と言う名の 真実を抱きしめ Over the truth

メサイア 疾風のように 時を駆け抜け
僕らは目指す 未来(あす)を
そして 愛する人に 届けたい 希望を
I'll be there (I'll be there) そこに行くよ

何かに 引き寄せられ 彷徨う プリズナー

メサイア すべての人類(ひと)の 願い抱きしめ
僕らは 走る 未来(あす)へ
もしも かなうなら今 伝えたい 誰かに
I'll be there (I'll be there) ここにいるよ
A wandering prisoner is drawn to something

A flash of a beam of light runs by and broke the silence
The limit has been told

The fate blends Moebius's ring
No one knows such things as the exit

Shine the light on me, beyond the darkness
Believe in the radiance called love Time is just now

Messiah embrace everyone's wish
We will run to the future
If my wish can come true I want tell someone
That I'll be there (I'll be there) I'm here

The numerous events entertwined and we've lost a way to escape
The Black Hole was planned

The link of the maze was sucked up by fate
Now, even a light cannot be seen

Only with our love deep in our heart
Hug the reality called love Over the truth

Messiah run through like a hurricane
We will aim for the future
And give hope to the person we love
I'll be there (I'll be there) I will go there

A wandering prisoner is drawn to something

Messiah embrace everyone's wish
We will run to the future
If my wish can come true I want tell someone
That I'll be there (I'll be there) I'm here
I doubt the English translation (v1) O_o

-- by darkrae at 2008-01-30 08:58:09

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