Lyrics for Tamagawa from Honey & Clover by Spitz (Episode 7 Insert)

Aojiroki tamagawa ni omoi ukabete
Suberu youni odayakana ni kyou ga kurete yuku

Kaze no tabibito ni akogareta kokoro yo
Minnamo no yousei wa tooi hibi no maboroshi
Boku no naka ni kimi no naka ni

Kaze no tabibito ni akogareta kokoro yo
Minnamo no yousei wa tooi hibi no maboroshi
Boku no naka ni kimi no naka ni

Aoijiroki tamagawa ni omoi ukabete
蒼白き多摩川に 思い浮かべて
すべるように 穩やかに 今日が暮れてゆく

風の旅人に 憧れた心よ
水面の妖精は 遠い日々の幻
僕の中に 君の中に

風の旅人に 憧れた心よ
水面の妖精は 遠い日々の幻
僕の中に 君の中に

蒼白き多摩川に 思い浮かべて

I'm reminded of the pale Tamagawa
In how, peacefully, like it's gliding down, the sun sets on today

O, spirit that yearned to be a traveler of the wind
The fairies on the water's surface are visions of distant days
Inside of me, inside of you

O, spirit that yearned to be a traveler of the wind
The fairies on the water's surface are visions of distant days
Inside of me, inside of you

I'm reminded of the pale Tamagawa

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