Lyrics for Sanpo from Tonari no Totoro by Azumi Inoue (Opening #1)

arukou arukou watashi wa genki
aruku no daisuki don-don ikou

sakamichi TONNERU kusappara
ipponbashi ni dekoboko jari-michi
kumo no su kugutte kudari-michi

arukou arukou watashi wa genki
aruku no daisuki don-don ikou

mitsubachi ga bun-bun hana batake
hinata ni tokage hebi wa hirune
batta ga tonde magari-michi

--> Key change~

arukou arukou watashi wa genki
aruku no daisuki don-don ikou

kitsune mo tanuki mo dete oide
tanken-shiyou hayashi no oku made
tomodachi takusan ureshii na
tomodachi takusan ureshii na

*歩こう 歩こう わたしは元気
歩くの 大好き どんどん行こう

坂道 トンネル 草っぱら 一本橋に でこぼこじゃりみち
クモの巣くぐって くだりみち


蜜蜂 ぶんぶん 花畑 日向にとかげ へびは昼寝
ばったが飛んで 曲がり道


きつねも狸も でておいで たんけんしよう 林の奥まで
友達たくさん うれしいな
友達たくさん うれしいな

Let's walk, let's walk, I'm fine
I like to walk so let's go on

Hills, tunnels, grass
bridges, and bumpy gravel roads
crawling under spider webs and downhill

Let's walk, let's walk, I'm fine
I like to walk so let's go on

The honey bee buzzes in the flower field
a lizard in the shade, the snake napping
a grasshopper hops, the turning road

Let's walk, let's walk, I'm fine
I like to walk so let's go on

Come out, foxes and raccoons
let's explore deep into the woods
happiness with many friends
happiness with many friends

English Dubbed Lyrics:

Hey, let's go! Hey, let's go! I'm happy as can be!
Let's go walking, you and me!
Ready, set, come on, let's go!

Over the hill, across the field,
Through the tunnel we'll go,
We'll run across the bridge,
And down the bumpy gravel road,
Right beneath the spider's web,
Ready, set, let's go!

Hey, let's go! Hey, let's go! I'm happy as can be!
Let's go walking, you and me!
Ready, set, come on, let's go!

The foxes and the badgers too
All come out to play
They all want to explore
The deep and wonderful woods all day
Look at all my many friends Ready, set, let's go!
Look at all my many friends Ready, set, let's go!
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