Lyrics for Pulse from Macross Plus by Wu Yun Ta Na (Opening #3)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
On your shore
I swear

On your shore
I swear

On your shore
I swear


On your shore
I swear

On your shore
I swear


Created from inside me.
More than love, I trust.
Wash away your pains, reach out to me

Whichever words you speak of yourself,
which came from the song of a god?
We are children of the same rhythm

To know you, to know a part of you-
the smallest unit in the world.
We knew we'd meet a thousand years ago.

It was in our genes.
We are children of the same rhythm.
We were together for a thousand years.

On your shore
I swear

On your shore
I swear

On your shore
I swear

On your shore
I swear

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