Lyrics for Mushroom Hunting from Cowboy Bebop by The Seatbelts (Episode 17 Insert)

Let's kick the beat

It's your turn

The conga drums

Listen to the rhythm tracks

Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka Indonesia
Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka Indonesia
Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka Indonesia
Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka
Just bring us back to

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting

Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting

Mushroom hunting

Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Let's kick the beat

It's your turn

The conga drums

Listen to the rhythm tracks

Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka Indonesia
Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka Indonesia
Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka Indonesia
Africa Mexico Sicily Tiajuana
India Osaka
Just bring us back to

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Let's kick the beat

Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting

Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting
Mushroom hunting

Mushroom hunting
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