Lyrics for I'll Be There from Saber Marionette J by Megumi Hayashibara (Ending #1)

ureshii koto tanoshii koto
takusan issho ni shiyou
tsunaida te to te ni
kawasareteru yakusoku

sabishii toki setsunai toki
hitori de ochikomanai de
kimi no soba ni boku
kanarazu iru kanjite

tsuyoi koto wa taisetsu da ne
dakedo namida mo hitsuyou sa
KARAKARA kawaita kokoro ja
nanimo dekinai yo
nanimo kanjirarenai

hito wa naze doushite
hontou no kimochi wo tojikomeru no
dekiru koto yaritai koto
ippo zutsu arukeba ii
PUROGURAMU sareta ikikata ni
nagasarenai kimi ga suki
doko made mo tsuite yuku yo
kono te zutto zutto hanasanai

WAKUWAKU suru suteki na koto
dondon fuyashite yukou
hikiau chikara wo
shinjirareru sunao ni

KISU wo shiyou dakishimeyou
nukumori wo kanjiaou
kotoba wa iranai
atsui omoi kanjiru

deau tame ni umaretanda
totemo nagai toki wo koete
DOKIDOKI mawari hajimeta
kokoro wo ima sara
daremo tomerarenai yo

hito wa naze doushite
hontou no kimochi ni kidzukanai no
suki na koto ya suki na hito
tada sore dake no koto na no ni
gomakashite mo minai furi shite mo
nanimo kawaranai kara
massugu ni ikite yukou
sono me tooku mae wo miteiru ne

hito wa naze doushite
hontou no kimochi wo tojikomeru no
dekiru koto yaritai koto
ippo-zutsu arukeba ii
PUROGURAMU sareta ikikata ni
nagasarenai kimi ga suki
doko made mo tsuite yuku yo
kono te zutto zutto hanasanai

うれしいこと 楽しいこと たくさん一緒にしよう
つないだ手と手に 交わされてる 約束

淋しいとき せつないとき 一人で落ち込まないで
君のそばに僕 必ずいる 感じて

強いことは大切だね だけど涙も必要さ
カラカラ乾いた心じゃ 何もできないよ

人はなぜどうして 本当の気持ちを閉じ込めるの
出来ること やりたいこと 一歩ずつ歩けばいい
プログラムされた生き方に 流されない君がすき
どこまでも付いて行くよ この手 ずっと ずっと 話さない

ワクワクする素敵なこと どんどん増やして行こう
引き合う力を 信じられる 素直に

キスをしよう 抱きしめよう ぬくもりを感じあおう
言葉はいらない 熱い思い 感じる

出会うために生まれたんだ とても永い時を越えて
ドキドキ廻りはじめた 回路(こころ) をいまさら誰も

人はなぜどうして 本当の気持ちに気付かないの
好きなことや好きな人 ただそれだけのことなのに
ごまかしても 見ないふりしても 何も変わらないから
まっすぐに生きて行こう その目 遠く 前を 見ているね

Let's do lots of
happy things and fun things together.
Linked hand in hand
Exchanging promises

When you're lonely, when you're hurting
don't face your sorrow alone.
Know that I'll always
be there with you, without fail.

Strength is a very important thing,
but you need tears too.
With a parched, dried-up heart,
you can't do anything at all;
you can't feel a thing.

Tell me, why do people
hide what they really feel inside?
Take what you can do, what you want to do,
one step at a time.
I love the way you don't care
how you have been programmed to live.
I would follow you anywhere.
I will never, ever, let go of you.


I love this excitement;
let's make it grow.
I can honestly believe
in this power I see.

Let's kiss. Let's hold each other.
Let's feel each other's warmth
We don't need words
We can feel the passion.

We were born to meet,
Crossing over a very long time.
Now more than ever,
the excitement spinning through my heart [1]
can't be stopped by anyone.

Tell me, why don't people
realize their true feelings?
Even though the things they like, the people they love
are all that matters.
If we cover up our feelings, or pretend we don't see
nothing will change,
so let's live openly [frankly, honestly],
our eyes looking far to the future.


Tell me, why do people
hide what they really feel inside?
Take what you can do, what you want to do,
one step at a time.
I love the way you don't care
how you have been programmed to live.
I would follow you anywhere.
I will never, ever, let go of you.

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