Lyrics for Otome no mahou de Pon-De-Ke-Wa from Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Magikarte by Haruko Momoi (Ending #1)

[Uwaa!Mou konna jikan!
Okinakuccha!Mata chikokushau!]
(LET'S GO~!!)

Neboke ga o wa kagami no naka de
Fukigenna no suiminbusoku

Ganbaranakucha ANTENA tatete
Kyou koso kimeru shuumatsu DEETO

Hinata de nete iru noraneko no
Akubi mainichi onnaji tada no tsuugaku ru datte
Anata no egao o mitsuketara
Mahou ni kakacchau

PONDE-KE-WA sore wa OTOME NO himitsu (BI-BI-BI)
PONDE-KE-WA fushigi momoiro KARASU (A-Re-Re?)
FUWA FUWA Me-Ma-I makesou kono kimochi (BI-BI-BI)

PONDE-KE-WA shoubu OTOME NO kakugo (BI-BI-BI)
PONDE-KE-WA kesa wa itsumo to chigau (A-Ta-Shi)

Todoite denpa daisukina anata e!


(LET'S GO~!!)

Donkan na no? Yakimoki shichau
Kidzuite iru no? Docchi na no kana
Hanashi kakeru anata wa itsumo
Sumashi kao de tomodachi TOOKU

Tetsuya de migaita PIKA PIKA no NEIRU
ROMAKAJI kidotte senobi no KYAMISOORU datte
Osaifu hataite katta no ni
Anata ni misetakute

PONDE-KE-WA douda OTOME no ketsui (BI-BI-BI)
PONDE-KE-WA nununu yaruzona ONUSHI (CHI-CHI-CHI)
Doushite? Nande? TESUTO no wadai na no? (BI-BI-BI)

PONDE-KE-WA yabai shuumatsu DEETO (BI-BI-BI)
PONDE-KE-WA mazui mousugu kousha (A-YA-YA)

Todoite HAATO CHAIMU ga naru maeni!

[Taisetsuna anata e!]
「うわっ!もうこんな時間!起きなくっちゃ!また遅刻しちゃう!」 Let's Go!

寝ぼけがおは かがみのなかで 不機嫌なの睡眠不足
頑張らなくちゃアンテナ立てて 今日こそ決める週末デート

日向で寝ている野良猫の あくび毎日おんなじただの通学路だって
あなたの笑顔を見つけたら 魔法にかかっちゃう (u~waa!)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ それは オトメノ 秘密 (ピ・ピ・ピ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ ラ・タ・タ バケツで プリン (ピ・ピ・ピ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ 不思議 桃色 カラス (あ・れ・れ?)
フラフラ め・ま・い 負けそうこの気持ち (ピ・ピ・ピ)

ポンデ・ケ・ワ 勝負 オトメノ 覚悟 (ピ・ピ・ピ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ わかる 朝シャン コロン (う・ふ・ふ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ 今朝は いつもとちがう (あ・た・し)
届いて 電波 大好きなあなたへ!

(hyu hyu!)
(hyu hyu!)
(hyu hyu!)

Let's go!
鈍感なの?やきもきしちゃう 気付いているの?どっちなのかな
はなしかける あなたはいつも すまし顔で友達トーク

徹夜で磨いたピカピカのネイル ロマカジ気取って背伸びのキャミソールだって
お財布はたいて買ったのに あなたにみせたくて


ポンデ・ケ・ワ どうだ オトメノ 決意 (ピ・ピ・ピ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ ぬぬぬ やるぞな オヌシ (チ・チ・チ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ チラリ 足首 ミュール (あ・れ・れ?)
どうして? なんで? テストの話題なの? (ピ・ピ・ピ)

ポンデ・ケ・ワ やばい 週末 デート (ピ・ピ・ピ)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ まずい もうすぐ 校舎 (あ・や・や)
ポンデ・ケ・ワ やばい オトメノ ピンチ (ピ・ピ・ピ)
届いて ハート チャイムが 鳴る前に!

Otome no mahou de Pon-de-ke-wa; The Pop of a Magical Maiden's Hair*

(Already!? Wake up now, you're late!)
Let's go!

The sleepy face in the mirror is
unhappy, lack of sleep
I need to do my best to stick my antenna up
I'll definitely set it up today, my weekend date

Yawning of a stray cat sleeping in the sunshine
Even just the road to school that is the same every day
Once I find your smiling face
I'm bewitched

Ooh, Wah!***

The pop of hair, it's the maiden's secret, pi-pi-pi
The pop of hair, la-ta-ta, a bucket of pudding pi-pi-pi
The pop of hair, a strange crow exists? (huh-uh?)
I get dizzy, I'm about to lose this feeling pi-pi-pi

The pop of hair, win or lose, it's the madien's decision pi-pi-pi
The pop of hair, Do you notice morning shampoo's cologne? e-he-he
The pop of hair, I'm different from usual this morning (I)
Electric waves, please reach my darling you


(LET'S GO!!)

Are you thinkheaded? I worry without delay
Are you going to recognize? Which way is it, I wonder?
I begin to talk about you always
You look wise, my friend, at a distance

You refine your sparkle all night to fall asleep
I suspect a romantic fire is lit, but I overreach myself to wear a camisole
Even though the chief custom is to win
You show baggage

Ooh, wah!

The pop of hair, the university's decision (bi-bi-bi)
The pop of hair, to send you to that zone (chi-chi-chi)**
The pop of hair, the ankle temple exists by accident (Huh-uh?)
Why? Why? What is the test subject? (bi-bi-bi)

The pop of hair, a dangerous weekend date (bi-bi-bi)
The pop of hair, very soon there will be an unpleasant getting off (a-ya-ya)
The pop of hair, a dangerous maiden's crisis (bi-bi-bi)

The heart's chime reached and sounded before
To your important name!

* This is a literal translation; judging by the context of the song, it could possibly be "The Magic of a Maiden Letting Down Her Hair." (In ye olden days, women kept their hair pinned up. A woman indicated to her husband she was ready for sex by letting her hair down.)
**This is probably a pun since yaru can mean "to send someone (to a place)" or "to have sexual intercourse with (someone.)"
*** Picked up by the karaoke machine, but not part of the offical lyrics.
Please note this may not be 100% accurate. Some of these lines don't make sense to me either, but that's probably intentional.
A discussion has not been started for these lyrics.
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