Lyrics for Ai no Rinkaku from Brain Powered by Kokia (Ending #1)

aishiau kokoro o sodate te itta anata ga
sono kaina o makura ni onemuri to mimi ni sasayaku
hiru no kotoba nado wasurete ii kara
kiite free fly free fly hatenaku

chichi to sono haha ga utaenakatta uta ga
hazumu free fly free fly ai o masaguru uta
shinjiatte katari tsuge ba motto kokoro nameraka ni naru

yokubuka na madoromi mi o makasete yumemiru
kodomotachi no kokoro no tomoshibi ni natte hoshii to

aisuru shitsuke o chiribamete ikeba
sore wa free fly free fly itsukushimu unabara
anata to iu hoshi tsukameba eien to iu toki ni kawatte

aishiau kokoro o sodate te itta anata ga
sono kaina o makura ni onemuri to mimi ni sasayaku

yume ni miru ginga o madoronda mama tabisuru
sono hitomi to kuchibiru soredake de nani mo iranai

愛し合う心を 育てていった あなたが
その腕(かいな)を枕に お眠りと 耳にささやく
昼の言葉など 忘れていいから
聞いて free fly free fly 果てなく

父とその母が 歌えなかった唄が
弾む free fly free fly 愛をまさぐる唄
信じあって 語りつげば もっと心 滑らかになる

欲深なまどろみ 身を任せて 夢見る
子供たちの心の 灯になって欲しいと

愛する作法(しつけ)を ちりばめていけば
それは free fly free fly 慈しむ海原
あなたという星 つかめば 永遠という刻にかわって

愛し合う心を 育てていった あなたが
その腕(かいな)を枕に お眠りと 耳にささやく

夢に見る銀河を まどろんだまま 旅する
その瞳と唇 それだけで何もいらない

You who have cultivated the hearts that love each other
Whisper in my ears - Sleep now, with my arm as your pillow
It is ok to forget the words of the day
Listen - free fly free fly - without an end

The song that father and mother could not sing
Play it - free fly free fly - A song that tells of love
If we spread the word of trust the heart will gain more serenity

The greedy napper leaves things to his body/soul
dreaming of becoming the lamplight of children's hearts

If one were to draft an education of love
It would be free fly free fly A sea of merciness
If one catches the star by the name of you it will turn into a time called eternity

You who have cultivated the hearts that love each other
Whisper in my ears - Sleep now, with my arm as your pillow

Travel through the Milky Way in your dreams while you nap
Just these eyes and lips There is nothing else I need

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