Lyrics for Aura from .hack//Sign by Yuki Kajiura (Ending #1)

Romanji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
if you are near to the dark
I will tell you 'bout the sun
you are here, no escape
from my visions of the world
you will cry all alone
but it does not mean a thing to me

knowing the song I will sing
till the darkness comes to sleep
come to me, I will tell
'bout the secret of the sun
it's in you, not in me
but it does not mean a thing to you

the sun is in your eyes
the sun is in your ears
I hope you see the sun
someday in the darkness

the sun is in your eyes
the sun is in your ears
but you can't see the sun
ever in the darkness
it does not much matter to me

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