Lyrics for Ignited from Gundam Seed Destiny by T.M.Revolution (Opening #1)

yasashii sono yubi ga owari ni fureru toki
ima dake kimi dake shinjite mo iin darou

dare mo ga kuzureteku negai o motomesugite
jibun ga ochite yuku basho o sagashiteru

kizutsukete yureru shika dekinai zawameku omoi ga bokura no shinjitsu nara

kowareau kara ugokenai
sabishii hane kasanete

deau hikari no nai jidai no
mabushisa o misete

kanashii me no mama de kuchizukete shimau tabi
motto zutto motto sotto mamoreru ki ga shita

kokoro shika dakishimeru mono no nai kodoku no tochuu de miushinau sekai ga aru

kawareru koto ga kowaku naru
fukai kodou no saki ni

kawasu honoo ni egakareta
eien ga mieru

kowareau kara ugokenai
sabishii hane kasanete

deau hikari no nai jidai no
mabushisa dake

kawareru chikara osorenai
fukai kodou no saki ni

kawasu honoo yo egakareta
unmei ni todoke
優しいその指が 終わりに触れる時
今だけ 君だけ 信じてもいいんだろう?

誰もが崩れてく 願いを求め過ぎて
自分が堕ちてゆく 場所を捜してる

傷つけて揺れるしかできない ざわめく想いが 僕らの真実なら

壊れ合うから 動けない


哀しい眸のままで 口吻けてしまう度
もっとずっと もっとそっと 守れる気がした

心しか抱き締める物のない 孤独の途中で 見失う世界がある

変われる事が 怖くなる

交わす炎に 描かれた

壊れ合うから 動けない


変われる力 恐れない

交わす炎よ 描かれた
When those tender fingers touch in the end
Only now, only you, won’t you even believe that?

Everyone crumbles down, they yearn too much for a wish
Your self is searching for a place to fall

Getting hurt, unable to stop wavering; if these bustling feelings are our truth-

Because we destroy each other we can’t move
Our lonely wings overlap

We met the lightless glare
These times show us

Every time when we kiss my eyes are still sad
Forever more, more softly, I felt that I could protect you

A heart without something to hug close; en route to loneliness, there is a world it loses sight of-

We become scared of things that can change
In the deep heartbeats ahead

Drawn in the crossing flames
I can see eternity

Because we destroy each other we can’t move
Our lonely wings overlap

We met the only glare
Of these times

I don’t fear the power to change
In the deep heartbeats ahead

The crossing flames are drawn
Reach your destiny

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