Lyrics for Anata ga Dai Kirai from Nurse Witch Komugi-chan Special by Haruko Momoi (Background Music)

Watashi ga anata no koto suki dakaratte
Choushi ni notterun janai
Shuumatsu no kondo mo hoppora kashide
Getsuyou ni natte gomen nante

Soro soro anata ni omoishiraseru toki
Totsuzen majimena kao de namae wo yonde
Furimukizama fainaru no hissatsu waza

Daikirai anata ga
Anata no zembu ga kirai
Mou nido to awanai wa
Puraido dato ka sutete koi wo shitai no ni

Kimi ga inakya boku wa dame nanda yo tte
Uwame zukai de iu keredo
Kitsuku no ga sukoshi ososugita no kashira
Guuzen unmei gattsupoozu shitakedo fue wa natteta
Maboroshi no gooru datta

Daikirai anata ga
Mou hottoite hoshii
Ke-tai no memorii
Kesu no wa kantan yubi wo chotto ugokasu

Daikirai anata ga
Anata no zembu ga daikirai
Mou nido to awanai wa
Puraido dato ka sutete koi wo shitara
Anata to watashi wa kitto saikou no kappuru
わたしが あなたのこと 好きだからって
週末は こんども ほっぽらかしで

そろそろ あなたに おもいしらせるとき
突然 まじめな 顔で 名前を 呼んで
ふりむきざま ファイナルの 必殺ワザ

大嫌い あなたが
あなたの 全部が 嫌い
もう 二度と 会わないわ
プライドだとか 捨てて 恋をしたいのに

上目づかいで 言うけれど

気づくのが 少し 遅すぎたのかしら
偶然 運命 ガッツポーズしたけど
笛は 鳴ってた 幻の ゴールだった

大嫌い あなたが
もう ほっといてほしい
消すのは カンタン 指を ちょっと 動かす

大嫌い あなたが
あなたの 全部が 大嫌い
もう 二度と 会わないわ
捨てて 恋をしたら あなたと わたしは
きっと 最高の カップル
About what I felt for you, I may have thought I loved you.
But I was just being caught up in the moment!
This weekend you stood me up again.
Then on Monday you just say "Sorry."

It's about time I make you pay.
Suddenly with a serious face, I call your name!
As you turn around, I make my final special move.

I re-a-lly hate... hate you.
Everything about you, I hate it all.
I don't want to see you again ever.
I threw away my pride, wanting to fall in love.

Saying "I can't be without you"
Yet I say it with upturned eyes.
By the time you realized, perhaps it's already too late.
Chance and fate! Even made a boastful pose, but the whistle has sounded.
And it was just an imaginary goal.

I re-a-lly hate... hate you!
I want to push it all aside.
Memories of you neglecting me
Erasing it all away is so easy
With just a touch of a finger.

I re-a-lly hate you.
Everything about you, hate so dearly.
I don't want to see you again ever.
My pride all thrown away, when I fell in love.
Together with you, we'd surely make the BEST couple ever!

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