Lyrics for Sora's Folktale from Escaflowne by Midori (Background Music)

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
en dragu a sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
En riga-lint

Win chent a lotica
En vai turi
Fin dein a loluca
Si katigura neuver
Floreria for chesti
Si entina

Fontina Blu Cent
De Cravi esca letisimo
De quantian
la Finde reve

Win dain a lotica
En vai tu ri
Si lo ta
Fin dein a loluca
en dragu e sei lain
Vi fa-ru les shutai am
En riga-lint
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
In the dark-
ness The dragon wakes.
The dragon awakens.
To a heart that is numbed
with cold the dragon takes.

With you at my side the dragon sleeps.
On dragon wing your wishes will leap.

your wishes can bring forth
a destructive future.
or you can bring salvation.

In the dark-
ness The dragon wakes.
The dragon awakens.
To a heart that is numbed
with cold the dragon takes.
A discussion has not been started for these lyrics.
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