Lyrics for Eternal Reality from To aru Kagaku no Railgun S by fripSide (Opening #2)

Kagayaku kibō ga kono machi o kakenukerukara
Itsu datte shinji aeru nakama to te o tsunaginagara
Kokoro no mama shinjiru ashita o sagashi tsudzuke teru

Tachitsukusu zattō no naka tōzakaru kimi o mitsume teta
“Wakachi au” sono taisetsu-sa ima wa wakatte irukara

Ikutsu mo no egao ga kyō o irodotte
Min'na o tsutsumikomu son'na atarimae o mamoritai

Ugokidasu yume o kono sora ni hibika setara
Yuruginai Chikara genjitsu o toraete iku
Yowa-sa uchiakeru son'na tsuyo-sa o motetakara
Itsu no hi mo wasurenai yo kono kizuna dake dakishimete
Mune wo hatte hokoreru mirai o uchi tsuranuite ku

Hitorikiri kokoro tozashite ikutsuka no yami o koete kita
Itsu kara ka kidzuka sa re teta hitorijanai sono tsuyo-sa o

Omoidasu hajimete kimi to atta hi o
Are kara takusan no otagai no kimochi o kawashite

Te ni shita kirameki kono sekai terashite iku
Kasanaru omoi ga watashi o michibiite iru
Daisukina kimi no sono yume o mamoritaikara
Itsu datte shinjiaeru nakama to kokoro tsunai deru
Watashirashiku massuguna negai o tsuranuite iku

foo...We can accept reality

I'll link personal wall for me and you

Kimi no yasashisa o
(The feeling dive into my heart)
Itsumo kanji teru
(So,I continue eternal reality)

Ugokidasu yume o kono sora ni hibika setara
Yuruginai Chikara genjitsu o toraete iku
Kagayaku kibō ga kono machi o kakenukerukara
Itsu datte shinji aeru nakama to te o tsunaginagara
Kokoro no mama shinjiru ashita o sagashi tsudzuke teru

何時だって 信じあえる仲間と 手を繋ぎながら
心のまま 信じる明日を捜し続けてる

立ち尽くす 雑踏の中 遠ざかる君を見つめてた
”分かち合う” その大切さ
幾つもの笑顔が 今日を彩って 皆を包み込む

揺るぎない力 現実を捉えていく
弱さ打ち明ける そんな強さを持てたから
何時の日も 忘れないよ

一人きり心閉ざして 幾つかの闇を超えてきた
何時からか 気づかされてた 一人じゃないその強さを
あれから沢山の お互いの気持ちを交わして


(ふぅぅ。。。 We can accept reality
I'll link personal wall for me and you)

君の優しさを (The feeling dive into my heart)
何時も感じてる (So, I continue eternal reality)

揺るぎない力 現実を捉えていく
何時だって 信じあえる仲間と 手を繋ぎながら
心のまま 信じる明日を捜し続けてる
This shining hope runs through this street
That's why I continue to keep on searching for tomorrow
Holding hands with my trusted friends while believing so

Standing completely still within this congested street, I've found you who have gone far off
"Sharing" Now I understand the importance behind it, that's why

These smiles colours today, and this colour wraps up everyone
I want to protect this scene in front of me

If it causes this dream that is set in motion to reverberate towards the skies
This unshakable power will go and seize reality
I'll be frank about my weakness because I have the courage to do so
I'll never forget no matter when, embracing only these bonds
Sticking out my chest, I'll shoot through this boastful future

All by myself, closing up my heart as I overcame the darkness
Since when was I made to realize about the strength of not being alone

I remember the day when we first met
Since then, we've exchanged many mutual feelings

Holding your hand, this sparkle will light up this world
These overlapping thoughts will guide me
I want to protect your dream, that's why
I'll always connect my hearts with my trusted friends
I'll pierce through this honest wish that is something like I'd wish for

foo...We can accept reality
I'll link the personal wall for me and you

Your kindness
(The feeling dive into my heart)
I can always feel it
(So, I continue eternal reality)

If it causes this dream that is set in motion to reverberate towards the skies
This unshakable power will go and seize reality
This shining hope runs through this street
That's why I continue to keep on searching for tomorrow
Holding hands with my trusted friends while believing so

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