Lyrics for Hello Especially from Gin no Saji by Sukima Switch (Ending #1)

AJISAI ga sayonara o tsugetara natsu no kaze o mata mukae you
sodatta machi o tooku hanarete kisetsu o matai dekita

tamani wa tegami o kaite miru yo dokka ni POSUTOKAADO demo attakke
natsukashii kao ni mukete honno suugyou NOSUTARUJII o

CHURU CHU choushi wa dou desu ka?
CHURU CHU isogashiku shite imasu ka?

mugamuchuu de sagashimawatteita ano yume no guai wa donna dai?
aikawarazu da yotte nomi akaseta nara ii na sore dake de saikou

nagai tsukihi to shikousakugo no naka de ironna keshiki o mite kita kedo
mada jikkan wa nai ya demo kantan ni omoidaserunda
kimi to hashaida ano hi no koto wa

CHURU CHU boku no koe wa kikoete imasu ka?
CHURU CHU hyouban wa ikaga desu ka?

sanzen roppyaku gojuu nichi bun no MERODII to kotoba o PAKKEEJI shiyou
kibun tenkan kurai no NORI de issho ni utawanai kai

soshite mugamuchuu de sagashimawatteita ano yume no tsuzuki o katariaou yo
ashita mo ganbarou ze ima soko ni aru mirai e kakedashite saa, ikou!

たまには手紙を書いてみるよ どっかにポストカードでもあったっけ

チュルチュ 調子はどうですか?
チュルチュ 忙しくしていますか?

相変わらずだよって飲み明かせたならいいな それだけで最高

まだ実感はないや でも簡単に思い出せるんだ 

チュルチュ 僕の声は聴こえていますか?
チュルチュ 評判はいかがですか?


明日もがんばろうぜ 今そこにある未来へ 駆け出してさぁ、行こう!

When the hydrangeas say goodbye, let's welcome the summer breeze once again
Far far away from the town where I grew up, I passed the seasons

I'll try to write a letter once a in a while, I think there's a postcard somewhere
Facing just a few lines of nostalgia with a pining look

churuchu, how are you feeling?
churuchu, are you keeping busy?

How is searching around in selfless daze for your dreams?
It will be great if we drink all night long like always, just doing that it will great.

Through the long years and trial-and-error I've seen so much but
It doesn't feel real yet. But I can recall just like that
Those days when I fooled around with you

churuchu, Can you hear the sound of my voice?
churuchu, What's the gossip?

I'll make a package of 3650 days worth of melody and words
Will singing it together be enough to change your mood?

And let's talk searching around in selfless daze for the continuation of our dreams
Let's do our best tomorrow too. Let's run to the future that's there right now! Well, let's go!

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