Lyrics for Blow Away from Fairy Tail OVA by Tetsuya Kakihara (Opening #2)

We will blow away mukaikaze ni tachimukai
Subete tsuyosa ni kae rising
Blow away kanashimi sae norikoete
Ima kibou no hikari tsukamu ze

Burn moeagaru kobushi ni chikai
Itsu de mo honki misete yaru MAJI de
Freeze mayoi nante itetsukasete
Shinjiru mirai egakeru sa

Makesou ni nattara oshiero yo
Donna toki datte tasuke ni iku zo
Yokei na o-sewa da ze dakedo maa
Sukoshi kansha wa suru ze

We can blow away donna kabe mo buchiyaburi
Omoi yuuki ni shite rising
Blow away kurushimi sae norikoete
Saikyou no kizuna wo shinjite
Saikou no nakama to issho ni

Soul furueru kowasa wo norikoe
Taisetsu na mono miete kuru MAJI de
Go tomerarenai kono kanjou de
Taisetsu na mono wo mamoru zo

Hitori de tsuppashitte komattara
Furimuite mina soko ni ite yaru ze
Kakko tsukesugita zo demo ii ka
Iku zo chikara awasete

We will blow away mukaikaze ni tachimukai
Subete tsuyosa ni kae rising
Blow away kanashimi sae norikoete
Saikou no mirai wo shinjite
Ima kibou no hikari tsukamu ze

We can blow away nando datte tachiagari
Omoi yuuki ni shite rising
Blow away kurushimi sae norikoete
Saikyou no kizuna wo shinjite
Saikou no nakama to issho ni

We will blow away 向かい風に立ち向かい
すべて強さに変え rising
Blow away 悲しみさえ乗り越えて
今 希望の光 つかむぜ

Burn 燃え上がる拳に誓い
いつでも本気見せてやる マジで
Freeze 迷いなんて凍てつかせて

よけいなお世話だぜ だけどまぁ
少し 感謝はするぜ

We can blow away どんな壁もぶち破り
想い勇気にして rising
Blow away 苦しみさえ乗り越えて

Soul 震える怖さを乗り越え
大切なもの見えてくる マジで
Go 止められないこの感情で

振り向いてみな そこに居てやるぜ
かっこつけすぎだぞ でもいいか
いくぞ 力合わせて

We will blow away 向かい風に立ち向かい
すべて強さに変え rising
Blow away 悲しみさえ乗り越えて
今 希望の光 つかむぜ

We can blow away 何度だって立ち上がり
想い勇気にして rising
Blow away 苦しみさえ乗り越えて

We will blow away against the headwind
Changing everything into power, rising
Blow away, even overcoming sadness itself
Now, we will seize the light of hope

Burn! I swear with these blazing fists
I'll give it my all every time, for real
Freeze! I'll chill even my hesitation
'Cause I'll paint the future I believe in

Just tell me whenever you feel like you're losing
'Cause I'll come over and help you out!
No thanks, I don't need your help, but whatever,
I guess I owe you a little.

We can blow away, breaking any wall on the way
Thoughts power our courage, rising
Blow away, even overcoming pain itself
Believe in our strongest bonds!
Together with the best friends ever!

Soul! Overcome the fear that makes you tremble
For I can now see the important things coming, for real
Go! With these unstoppable emotions,
We'll protect those that are important to us

It's a problem whenever you dash off all by yourself
Just turn around and you'll see, everyone is here
Aren't you sounding too cool? But never mind,
Let's go! Let's combine our powers!

We will blow away against the headwind
Changing everything into power, rising
Blow away, even overcoming sadness itself
Believe in the best future there'll be
Now, we will seize the light of hope

We can blow away, standing up as many times as needed
Thoughts power our courage, rising
Blow away, even overcoming pain itself
Believe in our strongest bonds!
Together with the best friends ever!

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