Lyrics for Kimi ga Yume wo Tsuretekita from Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo by Ai Kayano (Opening #1)

Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! Soshite I miss you
Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl meets super dream

Ikkai-me magure de
Nikai me tte dōdarou
GÅ«zen janai yo ne?
Sankai-me ga au no wa

Kawatta hitoda to wari to min'na iukedo
Ki ni natta koto wa chigau nda soko janai

Kimi wa tabun junsuide junsui o magezu
Dakara chīsana nichijō ni sae tachimukatte

Yume o motte kita
Kotoba ja tarinai yume no arika
Kitto kon'nafūni hajimaru
Atarashī tokimekisekai
Yume o motte kita
Kotoba o shiranaifuri shite ikou
Tokimeki to yume no arika

Oh! WELCOME happiness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! Yatto I know you
WELCOME happiness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl needs super freedom

Yokai me he nda na
Gokkai me tte wazatoda
Kakunin sae murinara
Rokkai mite mireba Ä«?

Wakan'nai hitoda to tōzakatcha sabishī yo
Henken wa yamete nakayoshi o fuyashite

Boku wa izen donkande hyotto shite boku no
Yowa-sa toka de daijina mono ga kieta no kamo

Iro ga notte kita
Kokoro o hirogeru iro no kiseki
Yagate masshiroi kimochi de
Tsunagaru kiramekimirai
Iro ga notte kita
Katachi wa fushigide setsumei dekinai
Kirameki to iro no mirai

Kimi wa sō sa junsuide junsui o magezu
Dakara chīsana nichijō ni sae tachimukatte

Yume o motte kita
Kotoba ja tarinai yume no arika
Kitto kon'nafūni hajimaru
Atarashī tokimekisekai
Iro ga notte kita
Kokoro o hirogeru iro no kiseki
Yagate masshiroi kimochi de
Tsunagaru kiramekimirai

Yume o motte kita
Kotoba o shiranaifuri shite ikou
Tokimeki to yume no arika

Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! Soshite I need you
Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl meets super dream
Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! そして I miss you
Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl meets super dream

1回め まぐれで
2回め ってどうだろう
偶然じゃないよね? 3回 目が合うのは

変わったひとだと 割りとみんな言うけど

君はたぶん純粋で 純粋を曲げず


oh! Welcome happiness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! やっと I know you
Welcome happiness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl needs super freedom

4回め へんだな
5回め ってわざとだ
確認さえムリなら 6回 見てみればいい?

わかんないひとだと 遠ざかっちゃ寂しいよ
偏見はやめて 仲良しを増やして

僕は以前鈍感で ひょっとして僕の


君はそうさ純粋で 純粋を曲げず



Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! And I miss you
Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl meets super dream

If they meet once, it might be chance
If they meet twice, maybe it’s not
But it just can’t be coincidence if their eyes meet a third time

“You’re a weird kind of person”. That’s what everyone seems to say
But that’s not why I want to know more about you. It’s something else

I think you’re just innocent, and you’ll always be innocent
That’s why you’re always trying to be more than normal

The words that brought me a dream aren’t enough
To say where we can find the dream
I’m sure that this is how everything starts
A whole new exciting world for us
The words that brought me a dream
Let’s pretend that we don’t know what they mean
Where we can find excitement and the dream

Oh! Welcome happiness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! At last I know you
Welcome happiness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl needs super freedom

If they meet to fourth, it looks there
If they meet to fifth, it is deliberately
Should I look at you six times confirmation even if unreasonable?

I'm lonely for away, that it is people who do not know
Prejudice to increase the good friend to quit

If by any chance I was insensitive before
Important thing such as my weakness maybe disappeared

Color came on board
Miracle of color spreads the heart
In pure white feeling soon
Connecting the sparkling future
Color came on board
Its form is mysterious and cannot be explainedー
The sparkling and colorful future

I think you’re just innocent, and you’ll always be innocent
That’s why you’re always trying to be more than normal

The words that brought me a dream aren’t enough
To say where we can find the dream
I’m sure that this is how everything starts
A whole new exciting world for us

Color came on board
Miracle of color spreads the heart
In pure white feeling soon
Connecting the sparkling future

The words that brought me a dream
Let’s pretend that we don’t know what they mean
Where we can find excitement and the dream

Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets girl! And I miss you
Good-bye sadness!
Girl meets, boy meets, girl meets super dream

In the 6th paragraph in Romaji it should be "Yonkai" (forth) instead of "Yokai" (demon).

Also in the 6th paragraph but in English i think instead of "it looks there" "its weird" is better because they say "hen" (weird) in the song
and the word "to" in "If they meet to fourth" and "If they meet to fith" should be dropped, because of english grammar.

I hope i could help with my post and i don´t want to offend anyone. Please don´t misunderstand.

-- by wambo at 2013-08-03 18:27:36

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