Lyrics for Sacred Force from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 2nd A's by Nana Mizuki (Episode 1 Insert)

Seiya heno kane ga nariwataru ten kara chi heto yuuki wo tamesu
Seikou no shirushi kakagetara mirai no flare furikazase

Chiisana sono te ni takusareta nanika ga tatoe omoku tomo
Tsunaida ai mo nigirishime saa... ima tashikameau shinjitsu wo

Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo subete boku wa seou koto akiramenai
Yowaki wo shiru kara tsuyoku naru
Mamoru to chikaun da kizuna wo mune ni Sacred Force

"Seigi" "yume" donna kotoba demo "shinjiru" dakara honmono ni naru
Ankoku no yami wa itsu no hi mo imawashii kage ni oborou no

Nando demo kitto tachiagari soukyuu no toki wo egakun da
Yuuen to utau tame ippo wo AH... ima tokihanatou kono chikara

Shinwa heto kawaru ichi peeji boku wa sou issho ni kakenuketai
Migite niwa kimi no hidarite wo
Namida wa mada hayai kitto kirameku Precious Star

Soshite bokutachi wa taisetsu na nanika wo mitsukeru yo...
Kyoumeishiau concerto
Ah... ima tashikameau shinjitsu wo

Kanashimi mo yorokobi mo subete boku wa seou koto akiramenai
Yowaki wo shiru kara tsuyoku naru
Mamoru to chikau'n da kizuna wo mune ni
Egao to kyou ni... dakishimesasete Sacred Force
Saa... hajimari heto tabidatou

聖夜への鐘が鳴り渡る 天から地へと勇気を試す
星光の紋章掲げたら 未来のフレア振りかざせ

小さなその手に託された 何かが例え重くとも
繋いだ愛も握りしめ さあ…いま確かめ合う真実を

哀しみも喜びもすべて 僕は背負うことあきらめない
守ると誓うんだ 絆を胸にSacred Force

「正義」「夢」どんな言葉でも 「信じる」だからホンモノになる
暗黒の闇はいつの日も 忌まわしい影に朧うの

何度でもきっと立ち上がり 蒼穹の時を描くんだ
悠遠と謳う為一歩を AH…いま解き放とうこの力

神話へと変わる1ページ 僕はそう一緒に翔け抜けたい
涙はまだ早い きっと煌めくPrecious Star

そして僕達は 大切な何かを見つけるよ…

哀しみも喜びもすべて 僕は背負うことあきらめない
守ると誓うんだ 絆を胸に
笑顔と供に…抱きしめさせてSacred Force
さあ…はじまりへと 旅立とう

The bell signaling Christmas Eve resonates, testing courage from Heaven to Earth
Once you hold up the seal of starlight, brandish the flare of the future

No matter how heavy that something entrusted to those small hands are
Clutch onto the connected love; come… now confirm the truth

I won’t give up carrying sorrow, joy and all
I become stronger because I know weakness
Swear to protect the bond in your heart, sacred force

“Justice” “dreams” whatever the words, it’s “believing” that makes it real
Even the dark night will someday be obscured by a hateful shadow

Keep standing up without fail and draw the time of heaven
Take a step to claim distance; ah… now let’s unlock this power

I want to fly off together with the 1 page that turns into a myth
Your left hand in my right
It’s too early for tears, the precious star will surely shine

And we will find something important…
The resonating concerto
Ah… now confirm the truth

I won’t give up carrying sorrow, joy and all
I become stronger because I know weakness
Swear to protect the bond in your heart
Let me embrace you… together with that smile, sacred force
Come… let’s set out for the beginning

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