Lyrics for Futakotome (TV Size) from Nisemonogatari by Chiwa Saitou (Opening #1)

ima datte kimi no tonari de
itsudatte fuan ni naru yo
mado no soto miteiru furi de
GARASU ni utsuru kimi o miteita

kimi wa watashi no donna toko o suki ni natte kureta no toka
kyou mo sonna watashi de chanto irareteru ka iraretenai ka
ittari kitari mou GURUGURUGURUGURU

sono hitokoto de ne hora zenbu zenbu wasurechatte
sono futakotome de mata motto motto yokubari ni naru
kimi no mae da to zenbu hodokareteku no doko made mo
今だって 君の隣で
いつだって 不安になるよ
窓の外 見ているふりで

君は私のどんなとこを 好きになってくれたのとか
今日もそんな私でちゃんと いられてるかいられてないか
行ったり来たり もうグルグルグルグル

その一言でね ほら全部全部忘れちゃって
その二言目で またもっともっと欲張りになる
君の前だと全部 解かれてくの どこまでも
Even now, I'm next to you
and I always get worried

While pretending to look out the window
I was looking at your reflection in the glass pane

What part of me did you fall in love with?
Is that sort of me really still around today? Or not?
It comes and goes around and around and around and around

With the one thing you say
Look, I'll forget about everything, everything
With the next thing you say
I'll crave for more and more from you again
When I'm in front of you, I let go of all of myself, forever

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