Lyrics for Reckless from Towa no Quon Movie by Lazy (Ending #1)

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
mune no oku hajikesou na atsui tamashii no sakebi o
Burst on the fire.

raiu ni utare totsuzen mezameta honnou
risei o oshinokete moe tagiru no sa
kioku no kabe ni kaki komareta shinjitsu wa
dare ni mo okasenai

gimon nante nai kono sekai no shikumi o buchi kowashichimae sono te de
furikakaru sadame kirihiraki ima mirai e kakenukero! Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
dare ni mo makenai michi no chikara de kazamuki o kaero!
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
me no mae no subete ni tachimukai oretachi no jidai e
Burst on the fire.

akumu no you na kumikomareta genjitsu ni
ikiba o ushinatte funzumattemo
kizutsuku yuuki itsudemo nakusanai nara
kotae wa kawaranai!

dasan nante nai kono sekai no mujun o buchi kowashitai sore dake
kurayami o nukete tozasareta mama no asu o tokihanate! Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
nikushimi ga ai ga ishi no chikara ga subete o kaeru
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
mune no oku hajikesou na atsui tamashii no sakebi o
Burst on the fire.

hoshikuzu no you sa futari kotoba sae ubaware
haiiro no sekai kimyou na genjitsu kibou nado koko ni wa aryashinai dakedo...

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
dare ni mo makenai michi no chikara de kazamuki o kaero!
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
me no mae no subete ni tachimukai oretachi no jidai e
Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
nikushimi ga ai ga ishi no chikara ga subete o kaeru
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
mune no oku hajikesou na atsui tamashii no sakebi o
Burst on the fire.
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
胸のおく 弾けそうな 熱い魂の 叫びを
Burst on the fire.

雷雨に打たれ 突然目覚めた本能
理性を押しのけて 燃えたぎるのさ
記憶の壁に 書き込まれた 真実は

疑問なんてない この世界の仕組みを ぶち壊しちまえ その手で
降りかかる運命 切り開き今 未来へ 駆け抜けろ!Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
誰にも負けない 未知の力で 風向きを変えろ!
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
目の前のすべてに立ち向かい 俺達の時代へ
Burst on the fire.

悪夢のような 組み込まれた現実に
行き場を失って 糞詰まっても
傷つく勇気 いつでも なくさないなら

打算なんてない この世界の矛盾を ぶち壊したい それだけ
暗闇をぬけて 閉ざされたままの 明日を 解き放て!Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
憎しみが 愛が 意思の力が すべてを変える
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
胸のおく 弾けそうな 熱い魂の 叫びを
Burst on the fire.

星屑のようさ 二人 言葉さえ奪われ
灰色の世界 奇妙な現実 希望などここにはありゃしない だけど…

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
誰にも負けない 未知の力で 風向きを変えろ!
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
目の前のすべてに立ち向かい 俺達の時代へ
Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
憎しみが 愛が 意思の力が すべてを変える
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
胸のおく 弾けそうな 熱い魂の 叫びを
Burst on the fire.

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
A scream of my burning soul that seems to burst out of my chest
Burst on the fire.

I was struck by thunderstorm, suddenly awakening my instinct
It burns on, pushing aside my sensibility
The truth is written on the walls of memory
No one can violate it

We have no questions; we just want to break the structure of this world with our hands
Clear up the fate that befalls me, and then run to the future! Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
With an unknown power second to none, I will change the direction of the wind
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
We will face everything before us in our time
Burst on the fire.

Reality has been assembled like a nightmare
Even if we lose our place, and it's filled with shit
If we never lose the courage to get hurt
Our answers will not change!

We have no plans; we just want to break inconsistencies in this world
Passing through the darkness, release that closed-off future! Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
Hate, love, and the power of will changes everything
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
A scream of my burning soul seems to burst out of my chest
Burst on the fire.

The two of us are like stardust; even our words have been stolen
It's a gray world, a strange reality; there's no hope here, but...

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
With an unknown power second to none, I will change the direction of the wind
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
We will face everything before us in our time
Get on!

Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
Hate, love, and the power of will changes everything
Feel Rock emotion! Burning Rock emotion!
A scream of my burning soul seems to burst out of my chest
Burst on the fire.
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