Lyrics for Fellows from Carnival Phantasm OVA by Masaaki Endou (Ending #1)

Kimagure na noraneko no you ni itazura na manazashi
Junjou dake ga torie no doko ni demo iru DORIMA
Fushigi na meguri awase wa zetsumyou na SUTAATORAIN
Hanashi wa ato de ii sa tada jounetsu o motte ikou

Mune o kogashi tsuzukete iru sorezore no yume o atsumete
Kizuna to iu na no ookina ENJIN o mawasu’n da

Ima sugu ni hashiri dasou michi naki michi o susunde
Tagaini senaka azukereba kowai mono nante nai sa
Dareka no ashi ga tomattara dareka ga kata o kasu darou
So shiranukao o shite ite mo kokoro wa hitotsu sa my fellows

Ochikomu koto nante nai sa konoyo ja yoku aru koto sa
Yuuchou ni naite nanka itara tsugi no CHANSU o minogasuzo
Kigatsukeba meguru kisetsu jidai to iu BIGGU WEEBU
Nagasareru koto nakare mada kono saki wa nagaizo

Toki ni wa iradachi tsunottari kizutsuke atte shimattari
Soredemo kakugo sae areba ENAJII ga hotobashiru

Saa mae o muite yukou mada minu michi o erande
Atarashii machi ni tsuitara asa made ooi ni katarou
Yaketsuku you na sabaku mo makkura na shinkai mo
Warainagara koetara ano tsuki ni hata o tateyou

Toozakaru kage no naka usure yuku kioku hiraki
Wasureteta yasei no kimochi yobisamase

Ima sugu ni hashiri dasou michi naki michi o susunde
Ano tsuki made todoita nara sara naru yume ga umareru
Dareka no ashi ga tomattara dareka ga kata o kasu darou
Owaranai tabi o shiyou ashita mo hayaizo my fellows

気まぐれな野良猫のように 悪戯な眼差し
純情だけが取り柄の 何処にでもいるドリーマー
不思議な巡り合わせは 絶妙なスタートライン
話は後でいいさ ただ情熱を持っていこう


今すぐに走り出そう 道なき道を進んで
互いに背中預ければ 怖いものなんて無いさ
誰かの足が止まったら 誰かが肩を貸すだろう
そ知らぬ顔をしていても 心はひとつさ my fellows

落ち込むことなんてないさ この世じゃ良くあることさ
悠長に泣いてなんかいたら 次のチャンスを見逃すぞ
気がつけば巡る季節 時代というビッグウェーブ
流されることなかれ まだこの先は長いぞ


さあ前を向いて行こう まだ見ぬ道を選んで
新しい街に着いたら 朝まで大いに語ろう
焼け付くような砂漠も 真っ暗な深海も
笑いながら越えたら あの月に旗を立てよう

遠ざかる影の中 薄れゆく記憶開き
忘れてた野生の気持ち 呼び覚ませ

今すぐに走り出そう 道なき道を進んで
あの月まで届いたなら 更なる夢が生まれる
誰かの足が止まったら 誰かが肩を貸すだろう
終わらない旅をしよう 明日も早いぞ my fellows

Like whimsical stray cats, with mischievous gazes
our sole worth is our innocence; dreamers wherever we are.
A mysterious twist of fate is a miraculous starting line.
We can talk later, just bring that passion along!

Gathering up various dreams, our hearts continue to burn
Turning this great engine we call "bonds."

Let's take off running now, along the unbeaten path.
If we entrust our backs to each other, there'll be nothing to fear.
If someone's feet were to stop, surely another of us will lend a shoulder.
Even if we pretend not to notice, our hearts are one, my fellows!

There's no need to feel down, this kind of thing happens often here.
If you spend your time crying over it, your next chance will slip away!
By the time you notice, the rotating seasons will have become a big wave called "time"
Don't get swept away by it, there's still a long road ahead.

There'll be times you'll get frustrated, and there'll be times you'll get hurt
If you have the resolve even still then take that energy and let it surge forth!

Let's head onwards, choosing the yet unseen path.
If we arrive at a new town, then we can talk a lot till the dawn breaks
Whether if it's the scorching desert, or if it's the pitch-dark deep sea
If we can cross those with a smile, then let's raise our flag on the moon!

Unseal those the memories fading away in the distant shadows,
and call forth those wild feelings which were forgotten!

Let's take off running now, along the unbeaten path.
If we can reach the moon then even more dreams can be born.
If someone's feet were to stop, surely another of us will lend a shoulder.
Let's embark on an endless journey, tomorrow is early, my fellows!
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