Lyrics for Yappa Seishun from Inazuma Eleven Go by Sayaka Kitahara (Ending #1)

bokura wa umi de sakebanai
yuuhi ni mukai hashiri wa shinai
namida to ase no sono ato wa
deodorant de nioi keshiteru

dakedo tsurai koto ya nayami datte aru sa
dare datte itsudatte
doushite nani mo kotae ga nai no
sore wa kitto
kimi mo boku mo seishun dakara

soshite yuuhi wa bokutachi no
senaka wo terasu sore ga seishun
ima mo seishun yappa seishun

watashi wa koi ni koi shinai
yume wo miru no wa yume no naka dake
hoshi ni negai wa todokanai
emoji mail wa sugu ni todoku wa

dakedo suki na hito to
umaku hanasenai no
tomadotte itsudatte
doushite mune ga kurushiku naru no
sore wa kitto
nani mo kamo ga seishun no sei

koushite koi wa horonigai
omoide ni nari mune nokoru no
ima mo seishun yappa seishun

bokura wa umi de sakebanai
yuuhi ni mukai hashiri wa shinai
soredemo bokura koko ni ite
tsuzuite iku yo kyou ga seishun
soredemo bokura koko ni ite
tsuzuite iku yo kyou ga seishun
asu mo seishun yappa seishun

僕らは海で 叫ばない
夕日に向かい 走りはしない
涙と汗の その後は
デオドラントで におい消してる

だれだって いつだって
どうして何も 答えがないの
それは きっと

そして夕日は 僕たちの
背中を照らす それが青春
今も青春 やっぱ青春

私は恋に 恋しない
夢を見るのは 夢の中だけ
星に願いは 届かない
絵文字メールは すぐに届くわ

とまどって いつだって
どうして胸が 苦しくなるの
それは きっと

こうして恋は ほろ苦い
想い出になり 胸に残るの
今も青春 やっぱ青春

僕らは海で 叫ばない
夕日に向かい 走りはしない
それでも僕ら ここにいて
続いていくよ 今日が青春
それでも僕ら ここにいて
続いていくよ 今日が青春
明日も青春 やっぱ青春

We won’t shout at the sea
We won’t run while heading towards the sunset
After letting out tears and sweat
Erase the smell with deodorant

But we still have tough times and things to worry about
Anybody does, at any time
Why doesn’t anything have an answer?
It must be because
Both you and I are in our youth

And so the setting sun
shines down our backs, that’s youth
Even now, it’s youth
It’s gotta be youth

I won’t fall in love with love
I’ll see dreams only within my dreams
Wishes won’t reach the stars
But my text message will reach you in a jiffy

But I have a hard time
talking to the person I like
I lose myself, all the time
Why does my chest hurt?
It must be because
It’s all because of youth

This kind of love is bittersweet
It remains in my chest as a memory
Even now, it’s youth
It’s gotta be youth

We won’t shout at the sea
We won’t run while heading towards the sunset
Even then, we’re still here
We’ll keep going, today is our youth
Even then, we’re still here
We’ll keep going, today is our youth
And tomorrow is our youth
It’s gotta be youth

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