Lyrics for Ranbu no Melody from Bleach by SID (Opening #13)

shizuka ni shizuka ni maku wa kiri otoshi
kakusei no yoake ni aoi honou

miwatasu kagiri no yami to katto o tesaguri no hibi
bokura wa make o shiranai yowasa o dakishime aruita

atarashii kiba de jidai o kizame

shizuka ni shizuka ni maku wa kiri otoshi
kakusei no yoake ni aoi honou
mamoritai anata ni deaeru sono hi made wa
yuushu no bi yori me no mae no teki o

kokoro nai kotoba hoko saki subete o nomi komi aruita

tsukareta fushin wa jishin ni neji mage

kurushikute nigetakute maga sashita mirai wa
yume egaita bokura to tooi tokoro de
jikan nante usou nante kechi rashite hohoen da
ano koro nani mo kowaku nakattaro

shizuka ni shizuka ni maku wa kiri otoshi
kakusei no yoake ni aoi honou
mamoritai anata ni deaeru sono hi made wa
yuushu no bi yori me no mae no teki o

itoshikute itoshikute hoka ni wa nani mo nakute
koko kara miwatashita keshiki zenbu
matomete tsurete itte ageru sa hanasanai de
zutto nari yamanu ranbu no MERODII
静かに 静かに 幕は斬りおとし
覚醒の夜明けに 蒼い炎

見渡す限りの闇と 葛藤 手探りの日々
僕らは 負けを知らない弱さを 抱きしめ 歩いた

新しい牙で 時代を刻め

静かに 静かに 幕は斬りおとし
覚醒の夜明けに 蒼い炎
「守りたいあなた」に 出会える その日までは
有終の美より 目の前の敵を

心ない言葉 矛先 全てを飲み込み 歩いた

疲れた不信は 自信に捻じ曲げ

苦しくて 逃げたくて 魔がさした 未来は
夢描いた僕らと 遠いところで
時間なんて 他所なんて 蹴散らして 微笑んだ
あの頃 何も怖くなかったろ?

静かに 静かに 幕は斬りおとし
覚醒の夜明けに 蒼い炎
「守りたいあなた」に 出会える その日までは
有終の美より 目の前の敵を

愛しくて 愛しくて 他には何もなくて
ここから見渡した 景色 全部
まとめて 連れていってあげるさ 離さないで
ずっと鳴り止まぬ 乱舞のメロディ

I quietly, quietly cut the curtains down
There's a blue flame in the dawn of awakening

In the days of doubts and uncertainty, there were only darkness and conflicts stretched before us.
We walked on, embracing a weakness of not knowing defeat

Carve out an era with new fangs

I quietly, quietly cut the curtains down
There's a blue flame in the dawn of awakening
Until the day I meet the you that I so wish to protect.
I'd rather take the enemies in front of my eyes than end in crowning glory

I took the brunt of heartless words and everything, and walked on

Twisting the distrust I'm tired of into confidence

The suffocating future that tempted me and I want to run away from
is far from what we pictured in our dreams
Kicking aside time and others, we smiled
Back then, we weren't scared of anything, right?

I quietly, quietly cut the curtains down
There's a blue flame in the dawn of awakening
Until the day I meet the you that I so wish to protect.
I'd rather take the enemies in front of my eyes than end in crowning glory

It's so lovely, it's so lovely, there's nothing else for me
I'll round up the entire scenery I viewed from here
I’ll take you to that, so please don’t let go.
The MELODY of this wild dance will never cease.

is it the english version lack of few sentence?

-- by clara_amaya at 2011-01-05 06:40:28

after rethinking about it at the shower, i realized the ”蒼い炎を” are the things being cut down BY the curtains. (according to the grammar anyway, so there, more metaphorical thinking for you) sorry for the double posting

-- by xiao_chibi89 at 2010-12-05 15:10:44

my first upload, hope you like it, if i may, it is much more close to something you'd understand as english while keeping close to the original as possible ("blue flames in the dawn of awakening" - it's what being said so making stuff up is meaningless, much like the meaning of this sentence, for me anyway)

any feedback is gladly accepted!

-- by xiao_chibi89 at 2010-12-05 13:07:29

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