Lyrics for Ready Go! (TV Size) from Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakama-tachi by May'n (Opening #1)

MAJIME kamo BIMYOO kamo ironna kao miseru ne
sonna no iwarete mo doushite ii no ka wakaranai ne
dare ni demo kakushiteru TOKO toka aru desho
are toka kore toka soko toka sugu ni kotoba ni dekinai kedo

hitomae de wa akarui FURI
yowane o hakanai kimi dakeredo

hyakunen tatte mo ari no mama de ii suki nara suki to sakebeba ii
READY GO FLY AWAY ari no mama ga ii
nakitai no nara omoikiri nakeba ii
atashi ga tsuite iru yo
マジメ顔 ビミョー顔 いろんな顔見せるね
そんなの 言われても どうしていいのかわからないね
誰にでも 隠してるトコとかあるでしょ?
あれとか これとか そことか すぐに言葉にできないけど

弱音を吐かない 君だけれど

100年経っても ありのままでいい 好きなら好きと叫べばいい
Ready Go! Fly away! ありのままがいい
A serious face, a subtle face- You show a lot of faces
Even if you're told so, you still don't know what to do
All people have a part they're hiding in themselves, right?
Like that, like this, like there, I can't say it in words immediately

It's you who pretends to be cheerful in front of others
And you don't whine about things, but-

Even if 100 years pass by, you should be yourself; if you love me, you should shout 'I love you'
Ready Go! Fly away! Being yourself is great
If you want to cry, you should cry to your heart's content
I'm behind you

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