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How To Sew Double Gauze Fabric

Double gauze fabric is a stuff of pain for many sewists. They are notorious as a tricky fabric to work with, so avoiding them altogether is the solution they choose.

However, if you know the tips below, dealing with double gauze fabric is not a pain anymore.

Marking And Pinning

Pins that are thin and have a glass head are suitable for double gauze. They don’t leave visible holes and are sharp enough to avoid snagging.

If you want to mark the fabric, don’t use clipping notches because the double gauze is too loosely woven to hold them. They can be frayed or get lost in the fibers.

Instead, use chalk or vanishing pens. They are better choices for this type of fabric.
Other than that, I don’t think double gauze calls for any other tools. Even the best sewing machine for beginners making clothes can handle the job well with the right techniques. If you haven’t had a machine yet, here are some suggestions best computerized sewing machine for beginners.


Double gauze fabric

Fortunately, all layers of double gauze are sewn together in a grid. So it’s more like cutting multiple layers of lightweight fabric at the same time.

However, as this fabric is loosely woven, make sure you use a new blade for your rotary cutter or a pair of sharp scissors to avoid snagging the fibers.

Sewing Techniques

French seams

For the best double gauze projects, adapt your techniques a bit to fit.

A walking foot can balance the force of the feed dog to ensure an even pace. This tool is also useful in quilting or times when you have to sew multiple layers of fabric.

Some machines have a walking foot with them. Mine has one. If you want to know about these machines, read this article on the best basic sewing machine for beginners and pick your best sewing machine deals today.

French seams are the best when it comes to such loose fabrics. In this type of stitching, the raw edge is hidden inside another layer of stitching.

A quicker method is to use a serger to secure the edge before you start sewing. To avoid puckering, make use of walking foot so that the top layer of fabric travels at the same pace with the bottom through the machine.

If you need to make curves with the double gauze fabric, remember to stay-stitch as soon as you finish cutting. As double gauze fabric can easily stretch, this extra-secure measure will make sure the pattern stays in shape when you’re done sewing the seams.

If you don’t know about stay stitches, they are basically basting stitches for curved areas. All sewing machines can make these stitches. My best sewing machine for beginners can do it really well. If you want to know what I use, see here best sewing machine for beginners.

I know doing this is labor-intensive but it’s essential for a nice-looking project.

Double gauze cannot handle heavy decoration like beading, appliques, or studs. However, you can still embroider, smock or add something lightweight on it.

Exposed zipper closures should not be used with double gauze fabric. Hidden zippers, elastic closures or decorative zippers are better alternatives.

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