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Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by sunao-san on 2006-04-03 21:51:07
I need to find the lyrics to Kelas (let's dance)arigato


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Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-04 21:04:44
Same note, FullMetal Alchemist song "Brothers"... I think the song is in French, but I can't find the lyrics to it anyway.

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-04-05 02:13:40 (edited 2006-04-09 23:59:07)
Lyrics of Brothers? I have! I posted it here @ gendou a long time ago. Click here

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-05 17:41:12 (edited 2006-04-05 17:42:14)
What is that? Tagalog? It's certainly neither Japanese or French, which is what I originally thought.

You should submit that to

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by »»Ran on 2006-04-06 01:50:59
I think it is in Russian. No, I think it is in Polish. Again, I am not sure.

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by Photobucket on 2006-04-06 09:23:38
I guess, the song is in Germany.


Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-06 17:09:38
It sure as hell isn't German :P

I don't think it's russian, either. I've never seen transliterated Russian look like that. It didn't sound quite Russian, either. 'Tis a puzzle.

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by Doctor? on 2006-04-06 17:48:32
It amy not be Russian but I do think Brothers is in some sort of Slavic language. (I learn languages for fun.)
Y'know like Bulgarian or Slovokian...

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by DeathAngel on 2006-04-07 21:07:43
Wait...anyone know what the song is for the theme of the last few episodes of FMA?

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by Aya. on 2006-04-07 21:47:27
I will - Sowelu (last ending)
Rewrite - Asian Kung-Fu Generation (last opening)

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by DaedalusMachina on 2006-04-08 10:39:23
Well, after extensive searching through google and a few other places, I have determined that the lyrics for "Kelas (Let's Dance!)" aren't on the net >.<

at least, not anywhere reachable via Google. I know AnimeLyrics doesn't have it... but Kelas is not from the show, its from the movie and... for some reason... they don't post it from the movie.

From searching on other forums, a couple of people have been asking the same question, and they didn't come up with anything, either.

Re: Fullmetal Alchemist lyrics
Link | by Ookami on 2006-10-01 08:23:16
It is in russian and here are the lyircs(+ translation)


Prosti menya, mladshiy brat!
Ya tak pred toboy vinovat.
Pyitatsya vernut' nyelzya
Togo, chto vzyala zyemlya.

Kto znayet zakon Byitiya,
Pomog byi mne nayti otvet.
Zhestoko oshibsya ya;
Ot smerti lekarstva nyet.

Milaya mama! Nyezhnaya!
Myi tak lyubili tebya.
No vse nashi silyi
Potrachenyi byili zrya.

Tebya soblaznil ya
Prekrasnoy nadezhdoy
Vernut' nash semeynyiy ochag.
Moy brat, ya vo vsem vinovat.

Nye plach', nye pechal'sya, starshiy brat!
Nye tyi odin vinovat.
Doroga u nas odna,
Iskupim vinu do dna.

Mnye nye v chem tebya upreknut'.
I ya nye obihen nichut'.
Tyazhek, nash gryekh
Khotet' byit' silneye vsekh.

Milaya mama! Nyezhnaya!
Myi tak lyubili tebya.
No vse nashi silyi
Potrachenyi byili zrya.

Ya sam soblaznilsya
Prekprasnoy nadezhdoy
Vernut' nash semeinyiy ochag.
Ya sam vo vsem vinovat.

No chto zhe nam delat', kak byit'?
Kak vse ispravit', zyabyit'?
Pyitat'sya vernut' nyel'zhya,
Togo, chto vzyala zyemlya.

Tranlit notes:
1) Generally words prononced as they were written
2) "u" prononced as "oo"
3) "yi" is special letter and sound in Russian, it's more like "i" in English word "tip", but a little bit different. I chose "yi" 'cause it fits better than other cases.
4) "e" and "ye" is almost the same sound.
5) "'" means "soft sign" (special letter again). If it's present you must speak letter before it softer.
6) "i" is like "i" in English word "tip"
7) 'kh' prononced as "h" in English "hat".
8) If "e" is the last letter in the word it prononced as "e" in English word "pet"

In Russian words are spoken not exactly the same as they were written.
For example if writing is "zemlya"(земля) , prononciation may be "zemlya" or "zimlya". It depend on which dialect you use.
But correct writing must be "zemlya" only.

Cyrillic corrected lyrics:


Прости меня, младший брат!
Я так пред тобой виноват.
Пытаться вернуть нельзя
Того, что взяла земля.

Кто знает закон Бытия,
Помог бы и мне найти ответ.
Жестоко ошибся я:
От смерти лекарства нет.

Милая мама! Нежная!
Мы так любили тебя.
Но все наши силы
Потрачены были зря.

Тебя соблазнил я
Прекрасной надеждой
Вернуть наш семейный очаг.
Мой брат, я во всем виноват.

Не плачь, не печалься, старший брат!
Не ты один виноват.
Дорога у нас одна,
Искупим вину до дна.

Мне не в чем тебя упрекнуть,
И я не обижен ничуть.
Тяжек, наш грех
Хотеть быть сильнее всех.

Милая мама! Нежная!
Мы так любили тебя.
Но все наши силы
Потрачены были зря.

Я сам соблазнился
Прекрасной надеждой
Вернуть наш семейный очаг.
Я сам во всем виноват.

Но что же нам делать, как быть?
Как все исправить, забыть?
Пытаться вернуть нельзя,
Того, что взяла земля.


Forgive me, younger brother
I am to be blamed
It is impossible to return
that, which has been taken by earth

One that knows the law
would help me find the answer.
I made a terrible mistake,
there is no cure for death.

Dear Mother! So Soft! (soft as in loving)
We loved you so much.
But all our powers
were spent in vain.

I intrigued you
With the perfect hope
To return our family
My brother, the blame is all mine.

Don't cry, don't despair, older brother
You are not the only one to blame
We both have one road
Lets bury the blame to the depth (meaning lets forget whos fault it was)

I can't blame you for anything,
And I hold no hard feelings. (as in Im not mad at you)
Heavy is our cause
The desire to be stronger than all

Dear Mother! So Soft!
We loved you so much.
But all our powers
were spent in vain.

I was intrigued myself
with the wonderful hope
to return our family.
I am the one to blame.

So what do we do now?
How do we correct and forget?
When you can't return
That, which was been taken by earth.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Ala Fin to the max. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

- A.M.Ookami

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