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singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by on 2006-02-17 10:39:45
well, i had just been told that i am weird for singing anime music in public, what's so weird about it??

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Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by s0m31 on 2006-02-17 13:23:06
i think just singing out loud in public is weird unless its a performance or something >.>... but humming to yourself shouldnt be wutevr song it is

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by zero lionheart on 2006-02-17 16:56:19
i think = as s0m31

"i dont believe in god ,but i belive in angels because you are here"

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by OwdEe sh4H on 2006-02-17 19:34:30
maybe if u sing out loud, real loud in public is weird but i think any songs would be wierd,not juz anime songs. i sing whenever i want to, mostly humming but i jz sing if i feel like it. n my friends or people arnd me are used to that.

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Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by on 2006-02-17 19:45:58
yap, I agree with audishah-chan ^_^ People will label you as weird if you sing out loudly especially if what your singing is something new or something odd to them such as the Japanese langauge which they clearly don't understand. In a place like ours, its not common to see people singing like that. @_@

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by kirima on 2006-02-17 20:41:43
Yes, it's not weird! When people hear me singing a Japanese song, they ask "is that Japanese?" or "is that another language?" And when I tell them, they generally think it's cool! But what I get a lot is, "what does it mean?" and so I have to ask if they want a full translation of the lyrics. "What does it mean" seems like a silly question to ask for a whole song.

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by angel on 2006-02-18 05:28:49
no way it's so nt werid i always do it.

is it eazy being life or dead?

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by Filter on 2006-02-18 05:46:10
Singing in public at all is a bit strange. Singing anime music just makes it more so.


Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by neko on 2006-02-18 07:31:45
i don't care if people say i'm weird, coz i like anime so........ much

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by Menos Grande on 2006-02-18 11:17:02
singing anime music in public= social suicide

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by Milly on 2006-02-18 11:24:25
Hmm... On American Idol, some contestant sang the Jigglypuff song. How's that for singing anime in public? :P

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by SCHALA on 2006-02-18 11:24:35
I always sing in public. I don't think people should care waht others think of you. If singing in public means that is your personality then do it. Nobody wants to see a false somebody. I go inot a grocery store singing "woo hoo" by the 5,6,7,8's. ^_^ I am stared at but I jsut keep singing. Lately I have taken a liking to singing.


Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by kasumi on 2006-02-18 18:17:32
I sometimes sing in public and my friends say I'm werid.....but i cant blame them..

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by sai on 2006-02-19 01:11:12
Well, actually it's weird if you sing loudly in public if it's not a performance... any song, not just japanese songs...

Btw Milly is that for real? In American idol? Those guys are super...

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by Milly on 2006-02-19 10:30:54
Here's the ANN article regarding the Jigglypuff song on American Idol.

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by Alchemic-Desire on 2006-02-19 14:45:29
I always though it was strange, even though I do it sometimes.

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by sphere on 2006-02-19 21:02:05
not weird.. cool.

DarkMooN "The Soul Collector from Hell" Live Free, Die Well...Hail Sin~!!!

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-02-19 22:20:21
its not cool...
its called Faithfullness, Love, and Gratitude to the Anime Song.


Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by o_o on 2006-02-20 07:56:33
i don't sing it loud in the public, but sometime i does sing alittle and my friend all just go laughing at me thinking i'm werido

Re: singing anime music in public = weird?
Link | by tsukiko on 2006-02-21 01:30:45
I did it once with my best friend. We sang it really loud and people were staring at us ^_^

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