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Do you always act your age?
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-07-17 18:09:44
Dunno how long this has been swimming around in my head, but I decided--what the heck?-- and posted it anyways. I wanna know-- who else has moments where they are far wiser than their years, followed by boughts of immaturity that drives your friends and family absolutely insane?

...if you don't, I pity you. It's pretty fun, lem'me tell ya. ^.~

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by eternalliefallingsnoe on 2005-07-18 00:16:25
eh...sometimes i act older, sometimes younger, and age i guess...i dunt noe...but its fun doing all. =]


Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by leah on 2005-07-18 04:22:18
umm... nah, i don't always act my age, sometimes i freak out like a child, think like a child, and sometimes i give advice as if i'm some adult of 25 or something... my chat mate never thought i am only in my teens!!

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Chick-yasha on 2005-07-18 11:56:14
I rarly act my age for long. I can be very reasonable & serous(give people good advice). & other times I can act like am 4(like want to play in the rain & jump in mud puddles). I would act under my age more than over it; if I didn't live in Alabama, US. We have something we like to call Alabama/Misissippi red clay. That stains everything & no matter what you use it WONT come out. You can even bleach a colored shirt until it's white & holey & the shirt will still have markes of red/pinkish spots on it. So I would love to play in puddles after/during every big rain storm but I don't have alot of stuff old enough to ruin like that.

Never date a guy stranger than you. If so, make sure he's loaded.

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Aria on 2005-07-18 14:51:20
Nope. I'm a a jolly person so i don't take things too seriously which is really bad....and i tend to be a spoiled brat...sometimes, i think like a very wise person...i mean much more mature than my age....but most of the time my immaturity surfaced.


Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by animefanrk2k on 2005-07-18 16:01:55
I dunno... sometimes it's hard to tell what you're supposed to be acting like at any age. I guess we all have our immature moments or our inspirations of wisdom. It makes us who we are.


Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Funsch on 2005-07-18 16:13:56
Sometimes I act mature sometimes I don't. It depends on my mood.

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Homunculus on 2005-07-18 20:44:16
Lmao, so far I'd say I was most like Chick-yasha and leah... like, on a bipolar level, or something. I think that's pretty self-explanitory... >__> I like ds01253's response-- you sound like something my friend would say to me. *bows in respect*

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by on 2005-07-18 23:05:22
Actually, my friends and I (one of them is on the forums as well, Josh) act a lot wiser than our age, because we are very open minded. We know what's going on in the world, and not focus on stuff like who's the hottest girl around our neighborhood, and what new movies are coming out every sibgle friday, and when's our next mall shopping spree. We talk about everything from the wierd to the impossible, making us seem wierd around other people, about the way we talk, and mostly the way other people take in what we say. I've had plenty of times when I'm talking to a kid, and he says, what? What are you talking about? So I have to degrade my words for him to understand. I don't know, I just think most teenagers around our neighborhood are stupid. ALmost everys single one of them in school. That's a whole other story. : )

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by hobo on 2005-07-18 23:25:38
sometimes i act very imature and sometimes very mature


Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by diana© on 2005-07-19 04:15:56
Sometimes, I act like a 6 yr old who mock-throws tantrums. :P Or a goody-two-shoes 30 yr old. Nahh.. Just kidding. :P

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Rui on 2005-07-19 04:47:49
It depends on who I am talking to and the occasion.

I act my age when I am in class, with my friends, family. In short, on a casual day. I act like a little 7 year old when I am giddy or just plain happy. I act wiser than my age when I talk about issues in the social sciences. ^_^

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Judgement on 2005-07-19 08:24:03
Well.. just like ruj.. in class with my friends.. family i act like my own age. But when i'm talking to people i don't really know I'm acting pretty mature. And also when i'm happy or something I act like a 5 year old kid =)

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Inukumi on 2005-07-20 06:33:19
me? it depends on whom i am with. When i am with my family i act childish [i always do lol] and i am with strangers i tend to be shy and timid [not including the internet XD]. The people in the net tend to think i am older than.... well my real age. i'm 12 and turning 1 this year yey! bumpy umpy ump XD

Sed trahit invitam nova vis, aliudque cupido, mens aliud suadet: video meliora proboque, deteriora sequor....

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by ayame on 2005-07-21 14:40:00 Society expects me to, but meh.

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by yoshinasha on 2005-07-21 22:19:55
Only when I'm alone.

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by ryu on 2005-07-22 19:42:13
Only when I am sad or just calm in general other than that I act a lot younger then I truelly am

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut My weakness is that I care too much And our scars remind us that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by YeNg on 2005-08-13 06:47:47
hmm.. i dont think so.. =)

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by Bernz on 2005-08-13 18:50:21
I act as myself but situation influence my actions too. When i m with outher plp i act differently and when i m alone or among famili mambers i act differently again. Sometimes i act maturely and other times the opposite.

Re: Do you always act your age?
Link | by kirima on 2005-08-13 22:50:22
I never act my age - I either act more or less mature in a given situation, not always at the right times, either.

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