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Link | by aylakailiana on 2010-10-04 04:41:23
Hello everybody, I'm Ayla Kailiana, nice to meet you!!!(fake name, of course)
I'm from France, so please try not to pay attention to my mistakes in my English sentences...I'll try to do my best^^
I'm 20, and I'm doing a master degree in Biology.
My passion for Japan began 6 years ago with the manga Rurôni Kenshin, which was a great revelation for me and made me want to know everything about Japan. Since then, my knowledge about this wonderful country has increased, even if I guess I still have a lot of things to learn!!^^
My favourite manga remains and will always remain Rurôni Kenshin.
My favourite anime...hmmm...One Piece?
My favourite drama(for the moment, because I haven't seen a lot yet)...maybe Rescue?
I love J-music in general but at the moment, I especially love KAT-TUN group.
Hmmm...I don't know what I could add...I think I'm done!!^^

Re: Hi!!
Link | by fracielle on 2010-10-04 06:36:25
Welcome and have fun :D
I love One Piece too <3

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2010-10-04 06:54:47
Welcome :)

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2010-10-04 07:38:58

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2010-10-04 10:34:17
hi there and welcome

Tales of FC

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2010-10-04 18:23:08

Re: Hi!!
Link | by zen on 2010-10-04 18:45:54

Gendou RPer's United~!

Keiko Kubota (窪田 啓子)
Homura Akemi (暁美 ほむら)


Re: Hi!!
Link | by Haoie on 2010-10-08 23:55:11
Yello, how do you do?

If each mistake being made is a new one, then progress is being made.

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2010-10-10 21:23:50
Hi, nice meeting you~
Welcome and have fun! :D

Re: Hi!!
Link | by red_13 on 2010-10-11 00:12:09

Re: Hi!!
Link | by rawremo on 2010-10-31 23:55:07
nice to meet you, all the way from AU!

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2010-11-13 23:56:58
hello ayla!
nice to meet you and see you in the forums and chat too! :)

Re: Hi!!
Link | by aylakailiana on 2011-01-20 13:52:23
Thank you everyone! (sorry for replying so late, I can't manage to take the time to come and take a look to this forum...)
Anyway, let's have fun together!

Re: Hi!!
Link | by hikarinomana on 2011-01-20 21:07:05
I can't believe I missed this one!!!
Anyways, better late than never...
Nice to meet you!

Whim 100Height


Re: Hi!!
Link | by xxchocoloverxx on 2011-01-20 23:30:56
hey there! i love Kat-tun too! well...actually ive only listened to love yourself by them cos i watched wallflower drama. but its really good! Hope you have fun!

Re: Hi!!
Link | by on 2011-01-21 02:07:28
hello! XD
oh wow a Kat-tun fan! :D
their songs are good. -w-

anyways,have fun and welcome!!

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