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I have the song, but nu artist or title. O_O
Link | by Fallen Star on 2007-08-26 21:43:49
This has been driving me crazy for about a year now.
I have this great song my friend gave me, but I have no no NO clue where it's from.
The only thing I have on it is that it is 'Track 09'. Which doesn't give me a bit of help. XD

I have a feeling it could be from an anime so that's why I posted here. XD

So yeah.
PLEASE HELP! ;_; I will be your bestest friend. XD

I even uploaded it.

Re: I have the song, but nu artist or title. O_O
Link | by raisin on 2007-08-27 12:08:03
GREAT now i got this song stuck in my head..........arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

As for the identity of the song, I can't really help, but i think its safe to say that it is a woman, but you can never be too sure with those visual kei guys.

Re: I have the song, but nu artist or title. O_O
Link | by Fallen Star on 2007-08-27 17:58:54 (edited 2007-08-27 17:59:04)
I kknnnowwwww....It's a good song isn't it?

I think it's safe to say a woman sings it. XDXD
And that only narrows it down to half of the world's population! XD

...But really?
No one heard of this song before? Nu one at all?

Re: I have the song, but nu artist or title. O_O
Link | by on 2007-08-28 17:47:20
This would be

Otsuka Ai - Katamoi Dial

Re: I have the song, but nu artist or title. O_O
Link | by Fallen Star on 2007-08-28 17:48:33

THANK YOU! I am now your slave. *bows down to you* <3

Re: I have the song, but nu artist or title. O_O
Link | by on 2007-08-29 05:43:05
Yay, a slave~! +w+ It was no problem~ X3 You're very welcome~

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