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Link | by Jackie on 2007-07-18 04:34:05
Well, hi ;) Here's the thing. I found full (5:42) opening of Oban Star Racers: "Chance to shine" by Akino. If I am right it's rare ;) Should I upload it? I know that it's not in requests... and I am not sure if we can 100% count this as anime as Gendou describes.. France co. etc. So.. shall I upload? :)

Re: Oban
Link | by on 2007-07-18 07:41:44
If it's not requested, don't upload (unless you want to be de-leveled). And I heard that it isn't considered anime...

Re: Oban
Link | by Jackie on 2007-07-18 08:12:28
Yea.. that's why I'm waiting for someone in command to answer :D Because... It's a japanese singer... song is japanese, and it's kind of anime... :S And the song itself...well, it's niiice ;] (Like Borat used to say ^^ )

Re: Oban
Link | by gendou on 2007-07-18 11:21:14
oban is not anime by the definition in the rules for requesting music.

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