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Buck-Tick ... Anyone feel like helping me?
Are there any Buck-Tick fans? I was wondering if there was someone who could tell me what the names of the members are and especially what the lead singers name is. I really LOVE their music and downloaded all of their albums and singles...
And now I can't get the question out of my head... What is the lead singers name!? *flails*
Can anyone help at all?


Re: Buck-Tick ... Anyone feel like helping me?
Link | by on 2007-05-25 06:51:34
I'm not really a fan of them, but I might be able to provide you with some links:

Buck-Tick on Wikipedia.
Japanese site.
English site.

Suddenly I feel like helping people out...

Re: Buck-Tick ... Anyone feel like helping me?
Link | by hopiaDIK on 2007-05-25 07:45:26
everything in their discog??? cool...
ohh yeah, buck-tick's awesome! they had amazing collabarations with luna sea!!

btw, you should try google search! it's the best :P

Re: Buck-Tick ... Anyone feel like helping me?
Link | by 黒羽 静靡 on 2007-07-12 17:43:13
I suddenly wonder if this thread is even alive anymore. Well, whatever. The lead singer's name is Sakurai Atsushi (last, first). He is smexy.

By the way! I actually had a question of my own. I also have all the albums and singles but I WANT VIDEO!!! Got any? Know where to get any?

~Needing help too,


Re: Buck-Tick ... Anyone feel like helping me?
Link | by karuzo on 2007-07-12 17:45:34
try you tube



Re: Buck-Tick ... Anyone feel like helping me?
I'd say to try ebay. I've searched ebay for Buck-Tick Before. Or using Bitcomet or something similar, go to and search for BUCK TICK or any combination of Buck-Tick , BUCK-TICK, Buck Tick ... etc.
Scan to see if it's video, not audio. Those would be free, but you'd better have a spyware or adware checker because sometimes you get trojans on those kinds of sites.


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