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Ever Made Your own song? (or tried to make one?)
Link | by RayStormX on 2006-08-03 10:02:50
I play guitar and I recently recorded a song on accoustic guitar. it's on a disc, and the song sounds pretty good. So, anyone else tried to make a little tune, or song?

Raystormx wooo maplestory

Re: Ever Made Your own song? (or tried to make one?)
Link | by on 2006-08-03 16:33:34
Wow...COOL!! O_O I've tried to make up a tune for fun on the piano before, but it never worked, xD

One of my friends (she plays the piano too), and once when I was at her b-day party, she played a song that she composed. IT WAS SOOOO COOL!! I told her that she could publish it and make lots of money with it. ^_____________^

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Re: Ever Made Your own song? (or tried to make one?)
Link | by Aline on 2006-08-04 18:37:29
I play some piano and I did made up my oen song but it sounds soo weird.

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