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Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-27 19:48:34
hit JC with tombstone

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-28 08:01:46
Hit azwan with an e-book

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by maria083093 on 2010-04-28 08:18:03
Hit zero with printer

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by jejechi on 2010-04-28 08:26:13
Hit ria with notebook

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-28 11:49:33
Hit Jejechi with a doll.

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-04-28 15:43:17
Hit toyumi with a ball of string for critical damage +1 :O

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-28 17:12:00
Hit Kobera with a ventriloquist doll

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-28 21:53:17
hit liwen with milk.

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-28 21:54:44
Hit Azwan with a cello XD

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-28 23:28:11
Hit lacus with piano sheets

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by jejechi on 2010-04-29 01:55:36
hit zero with a bass -w-

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by theusername on 2010-04-29 04:03:11
hit jejechi with a pencil

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by meyrinkay on 2010-04-30 02:12:38
Hit theusername wit a teacup.

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by maria083093 on 2010-04-30 02:28:40
hit kazumi with a phone

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kelreifblue on 2010-04-30 02:30:37
Hit Maria with a Hayate no Gotoku Poster

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by Icarael on 2010-04-30 04:45:40
I hit Saber Fan with the thousands of swords within the Gate of Babylon.


Part of the New Breed of Gendou RPers: Haseo, Fenris, Roxas, Zero, Toyumi and Kyosuke.

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by on 2010-04-30 07:58:14
Hit icarael with a phoenix

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by Lando on 2010-04-30 08:03:47
hit zero with an iPad

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by Siren on 2010-04-30 11:57:31
keep it simple xD
hit landon with MY FIST!! xD

Re: Hitting People _________ with ________. [v4]
Link | by kieoske on 2010-04-30 16:29:52
Hit siren with a poke :D

Don't deceive don't be deceived don't show weakness show your spirit. That is all.~ Sousuke Sagura

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