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Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-28 14:37:30
Dang, just finished the dub. I thought there were 50+ episodes.
It ended... so suddenly. I wanted a relationship between Mr. Onizuka and Miss Fuyutsuki, to become more then a close teacher teacher thing.
It was obvious she cared and liked him.
Mr. Onizuka liked any pretty girl, but I think he had feelings for Miss Fuyutsuki, too.
He came close to loosing something of his, with Miss Fuyutsuki, but never did. XD

I might check out the live action now, even though I don't think the guy who plays Mr. Onizuka dyed his hair.
The actor who did play Mr. Onizuka, married the actress who played Miss Fuyutsuki!
The actress and the anime character, both look alike. They're really cute and pretty. o^_^o


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2007-08-28 14:42:02 (edited 2007-08-28 14:53:09)
Yeah GTO rocks, its my fav. anime ^^)
but as DA said, it ended so suddenly >.>.. ive wanted to see more *sigh*

And DA, watch live action it rocks too, its not exactly like anime there
are few thing that are not in anime, but there are some thing missing too
btw, there is live action movie too ^^ he married the actres who plays Fuyutsuki after the film
and they have baby girl too ^^


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-28 14:53:07
Is there some sort of relationship in the live action?
I guess it must've been easier to play out that possibly role, before getting married.


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2007-08-28 14:54:33 (edited 2007-08-28 14:56:41)
Yeah there is relationship...
but there is one bigger thing missing the blonde girl(forgot the name) that has IQ more than 200 isnt there -_-;

and there are some thing changed, but its still good and the opening song rocks :D

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by devils-angel on 2007-08-28 15:01:07 (edited 2007-08-28 15:03:05)
Urumi Kanzaki. She and her eyes are hot! /drools~
I'll try to check out the LA then. I think there's about 12 or so episodes.
Oh, and I think the intro is still the same as the anime's. "Driver's High" from Laruku. >;3

[edit] Hmm, is that clip the intro to the LA?
It must've been a fan made AMV or something I saw using Laruku's song instead, who knows. I'll find out then. ^_~`

It's going to be weird, since I saw the dub of the anime, which I think was better.
But, since it's different, I guess I can end up liking the voices.


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2007-08-28 15:03:24 (edited 2007-08-28 15:12:47)
Yeah Kanzaki, iam not good with names :D
and yea she is hot~ :D
nope, the opening name is Poison, i think its better Driver's High
the video i posted is the opening, its opening that will be in last epi though
the normal op is withou onizuka saying the stuff
it has 12epi each has 45minutes i guess, or only the first one ? -_-;;
and then there are like 1-2 special epi when he goes to another school and one movie, i guess XD

EDIT: Yeah each has 45min and the first one has more, like hour? i dont remember :D

SECOND EDIT :D: Yeah dub onizuka is good,
first time ive watched onizuka ive watched it in dub and now iam watching it jap. i think dub is better tho

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-25 00:11:24
GTO is da best evah in society

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by hina28 on 2008-01-26 19:37:05
GTO is one of my favorite anime's.

Onizuka is really great in teaching the students not on their lessons but lessons in life!
The part I mostly laughed at is episode 3 or 4 when he told a comedy ghost story- I really laughed at that!


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-26 21:59:12
He did some crazy 455 5h17 in this anime!
He hopped off a blimp and into a hotel window one time.
He jumped off the roof of the school one time to save that one kid.
The list is actually quite large.

God really loves Onizuka here. I still wanted more stuff to happen between him and Miss Fuyutsuki though. D:


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by Daniel on 2008-01-27 01:28:49
The manga is better than the anime and live action. One of my favorites

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-27 08:32:22
I'm currently watching the original Japanese with English subs. Love this series. I found it out of plum curiosity, and I'm glad I started to watch. It's really great so far. I think I'm on the 19th episode. I also love the fact that in the beginning of an episode or something, a person involved with the school or one of the students just start hating him. But then, in either another episode or in that same episode, Onizuka does something for them, and then they start to kinda look up to him. Like the instance with that Ota girl and her mom being the head of something at the school and her father being the assemblyman. I think that was the best episode I've watched so far. Well, not the fact that he gets shot, but hey.

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by fahrenh on 2008-01-27 18:44:00
I love GTO.

Especially the anime.

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-28 02:55:17
I really like GTO.

@DA me too. wish there's more of them.
and yeah god loves him XDD

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-28 11:37:42
^^ yes indeed god loves him

got shot 3 times, went back to the school & finished a test, supposively died & still alive & on the top


god created onizuka for a purpose

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-28 13:29:44
I really liked that episode.
I don't think he "died", maybe lost consciousness? Perhaps...

Best part of it all, he scored a perfect on the state exam.
That math teacher who was obsessed with Miss Fututsuki was a total bummer. Lost his mind in fact. D:


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-28 23:14:26

For all the GTO FANS OUT THERE!!!Here's a Picture I'd Like to share with you!

Dunno if you've seen this or not.But hey!Its A cool pic! Knock yourself out guys!

P.S Dont ask me how he did that face.Its just one of life's little mysteries

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by devils-angel on 2008-01-29 03:37:17
Jesus... that reminds me of Yusuke from the first episode of YYH.


Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-29 05:14:20
lmao thats perfect, & that math techer is a pschyco, having all those pictures of fuyutsuki, thats just perversioness

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by on 2008-01-30 01:23:32
@DA i suddenly remembered Yusuke's face too XD quite some resemblance XD

that's a good pic...and funny XDDD

@dark order i agree. he's definitely a psycho >_<

Re: GTO! Great Teacher Onikuza
Link | by leora on 2008-02-03 22:51:45
Although the drama & anime is different but it's still the best anime for me..... :)

H4pPy G0 LuCky

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