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Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by 茂樹 on 2006-06-20 04:04:47
lol wheres the tub girl?


Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by ARCSHIKI®Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting on 2006-06-20 04:09:40 (edited 2006-06-20 04:14:02)
I confuse about hotlinking stuff..What i know you can't link the song from gendou to other web sites...but how about link other web site to gendou (some of sites doesn't care, instead happy advertising their sites). Will that gonna banned too? but hotlinking is crime..isn' it?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-21 12:46:16 (edited 2006-06-21 12:48:13)

If you want to know what hotlinking is, go read the FAQ.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting the 'papermaster' on 2006-06-21 13:07:34

READ OR DIE !!!!...83(4lJ53 l{N()VVl_3l)63 15 l*()VV32 !!!!

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by Annihilator on 2006-06-22 07:09:08
Gendou, you sure are an expert at finding sick stuff.

BTW, is that really real!?

(If you don't know what that is, save the picture, and open it with Paint. There's an interesting story at the right.)


Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by noobie on 2006-06-22 07:11:40 (edited 2006-06-22 07:22:40)
umm, how do i read that?
but who cares? The Hammer of Ban is as heavy as ever!

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by DarthSonicJK on 2006-06-23 15:33:59
dear Lord help me XD i've gone through a ton of links to see what tubgirl is all about, and after realizing i could google search it.... my computer burst into flames and my eyes started to burn profusely, my stomach tried commiting sepuku, and the keyboard exploded...
Tubgirl = GENDOWNED!
( hotlinkers get your barf-bags ready XD )

yes i know i was warned but i thought i could handle anything... baka X3

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-06-26 13:41:51 (edited 2006-06-26 15:13:11)

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by on 2006-06-26 19:06:35
Hahahaha, for that last myspace one, one of the comments is 'what the fuck is in your about me section?' That's just great. Bahahaha.

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by mewseira on 2006-06-28 12:13:45

Arara's here to introduce all the anime she loves! ^.^

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by angelofsky on 2006-06-29 20:14:38
Atleast someone on the second one was smart."I think you should remove that link. doesn't allow hotlinking on their mp3 files"< I call that smarts...or someone who is very observant^ ^

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-06-29 20:22:08
The middle one with the Vampire Guy, from looking at his page and all, who knew he visited this site.


Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-07-01 04:37:19

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-01 14:17:56

Near the top middle of their Yu-Gi-Oh homepage, they said "Hotlinking is a crime !!" lol...


Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-07-02 19:58:55

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-02 21:10:36
This image is suppose to be you? The link was called "GENDOU IS WATCHING YOU" or something.


Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-07-02 22:24:38
its just a random one i found in google image

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-02 22:29:23
Oh. I thought they were mocking you or something.

So how did you post it on that thread without becomming a member?


Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by gendou on 2006-07-02 22:48:18
um, hacking?

Re: GENDOWNED! (See what happens to hotlinkers)
Link | by devils-angel on 2006-07-02 22:50:17 (edited 2006-07-02 23:00:55)
Hacking? So that means you know their password, username, whatever? How so?


Oh okay, I know now. Thanks!


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