Lyrics for You from Samurai Champloo by Kazami (Ending #4)

Romaji lyrics not yet submitted.
Kanji lyrics not yet submitted.
oh, you know
you know what to say
say "I love you"

oh, I think you've go to know right away
"maybe me too"

you are a nice, cool breeze in me
I feel you blowing in

I can feel the sunlight all around me
You're shinning

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'cause you are wonderful
it feels natural to be around you
you've made it possible
you're wonderful

oh, can I
can I tell you why
why I need you
oh, my life
you made it a cloudless sky I can fly through

you are a deep, strong wind in me
I feel you - come on in

can you see the sunlight all around me
You're smiling

I feel beautiful when I'm around you
I'm safe and comfortable
'cause you are wonderful
it feels natural to be around you
you've made it possible
you're wonderful
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